OUYA demos
category: general [glöplog]
let's sweep both ouya and android under the LOLJAVASUXXXX category.
lol @maali.
on a serious note: the processor/os combination is a good categroy indicator and the ouya is merely a basic arm/android device in terms of getting a demo run on it. making it incompatible with standard android to look a lil different doesn't make it special. period.
on a serious note: the processor/os combination is a good categroy indicator and the ouya is merely a basic arm/android device in terms of getting a demo run on it. making it incompatible with standard android to look a lil different doesn't make it special. period.
let's sweep both ouya and android under the LOLJAVASUXXXX category.
my demo has only 3 lines of Java code, the rest is C/C++
pohar: congrats for getting the point ;)
So Ouya deserves a separate category just because it's a 'fixed' platform? So is every single android device out there, if you look at that particular model.
It's no different from saying "we need a Dell XPY 53425 category, it's a fixed platform i just made a demo on". In fact that's more plausible, since your crappy part code hack won't run on anything else.
It's no different from saying "we need a Dell XPY 53425 category, it's a fixed platform i just made a demo on". In fact that's more plausible, since your crappy part code hack won't run on anything else.
Since when is bare-metal programming on any system not messy?! ;)
So Ouya deserves a separate category just because it's a 'fixed' platform? So is every single android device out there, if you look at that particular model.
It's no different from saying "we need a Dell XPY 53425 category, it's a fixed platform i just made a demo on". In fact that's more plausible, since your crappy part code hack won't run on anything else.
true, maybe the differentiation is that its not a tablet/phone but a games console that only plugs into an external TV/monitor.. so its being run at more normal resolutions.
right now i'm for leaving ouya in the android category, but i can see that if enough demos target it..
There are lots of cheap Ouya on ebay right now. I dont know how widespread they are in stores, but i believe they're £99.99 in 'game' stores, on ebay they are less than that and have been for a while.
not a good sign. IMO
both platforms for talentless buttpirates
Since when is bare-metal programming on any system not messy?! ;)
Sega's systems tend to be unusually easy to program directly, actually (even the Saturn, the main issue with it was its rather limited way to implement 3D, programming-wise it really wasn't as bad as people make it out to be).
:/ @Canopy.
in that case of being an external dependant device... it deserves a category. and it's really got some beef. but... the platform is just that of a tablet/cellphone.
really tricky. :/
in that case of being an external dependant device... it deserves a category. and it's really got some beef. but... the platform is just that of a tablet/cellphone.
really tricky. :/
So Ouya deserves a separate category just because it's a 'fixed' platform? So is every single android device out there, if you look at that particular model.
Meh, let them have their 15 minuntes. The Ouya is trying to be a console in a faster-turnover-than-PCs market -and it simply won't work that way.
Let them check in their Amiga persecution complex asap so we all can go back to business.

The games industry has spoken! \o/
The desperation: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2013-12/06/ouya-bitcoin
elbee: is it just me or does the blue look more blue. or is that some post-processing of your camera/phone? ;)
Ouya makes the blue more blue through the power of open source!
I only tried 2 Android demos on the Ouya so far. Ran perfectly fine. :D
elbee: is it just me or does the blue look more blue. or is that some post-processing of your camera/phone? ;)
Well the wall is supposed to be white..