Random GUI thread
category: residue [glöplog]
heres a wip of a program of mine:

Disgo NetBrowser 3000 (it's over 9000!) Windows CE

It's like this cause it crashed. Crappy machine, don't even have supported the directX equivalent API (how was it called, I forget).

Self-made coder gui:

In the category of strange and weird trackers, this is my contribution. A tracker I wrote for my 4k synth.

ringofyre: nice

for DOS type: set dircmd=j
then type DIR
then type DIR
if you do any another letter it does not work.
why this "j" works and what it is purpose of it?
why this "j" works and what it is purpose of it?

a business app ;)

Remembered this one and just had to post it:

It's an XMPlay skin called "XMP Underground". The car along the bottom is the progress slider, the windows on the light up with the music, and the elevator car is the top window's scrollbar. The window is shaped, it doesn't trap clicks or stop interaction with windows behind it inside a bounding rectangle.
If you double-click the interface to put it in small mode, this is the result:

No "easter eggs" that I know of, and probably not likely given how the themes probably work.

It's an XMPlay skin called "XMP Underground". The car along the bottom is the progress slider, the windows on the light up with the music, and the elevator car is the top window's scrollbar. The window is shaped, it doesn't trap clicks or stop interaction with windows behind it inside a bounding rectangle.
If you double-click the interface to put it in small mode, this is the result:

No "easter eggs" that I know of, and probably not likely given how the themes probably work.
(In small view, the cat, animal, ... thing[?] is the progress bar leaving behind a trail of something--piss?--on the wall.)
More tracker...

Looks like BeOS UI?
Looks like BeOS UI?
Looks like BeOS UI?