
Random Concord Seed thread

category: general [glöplog]
So ÜD (Gargaj) released a very nice 64k at experience which features some randomness in form a Seed that can be entered before runtime.
While it is not the first prod to do so I was amazed at how much it changes while still looking extremely un-random so lets exchange some awesome looking numbers here!

I start with '1337' (which happens to be the first brainfart number I tried) =)
added on the 2013-12-01 13:16:58 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
i tried "2352352345234523736756745675467365462363456256764576456748568978078905678567875678346452523453647586787897897895847854673675678786787897907806789789678978978967896789678967896789854747364577856878978888879678978945675474567645885697897895789595678567845784577823469526345627893456978562378945678923456782346578926345786234985639248756378945678236457892634578963489562378945678934657893465789234657892364523789605698734690734980673490670356987345690872340597823904589234750982734589023475023945782304958723094867675897346907834960834678903467304967346890374056" and it looked the same as "0"
added on the 2013-12-01 13:39:37 by el mal el mal
who added that & quot; thing there? pouet2.0 buuuug ;)
added on the 2013-12-01 13:40:14 by el mal el mal
i 101ed it.
added on the 2013-12-01 13:47:11 by yumeji yumeji
this one is kinda cool: 9²
added on the 2013-12-01 17:08:11 by skarab skarab
