Awards discontinued
category: general [glöplog]
If you think that cookies are <3, you should observe the prizes for the selected winners of a DUB award!
cookies are less than three? what the DUB?
obvious idea: cookie clicker fastcompo ;)
"Code your own Cookie Clicker" fastcompo, you mean. The former sounds like an idea for a gamer party.
yes, the dub awards proved to be a worthy successor.
so, who won the awards?

by kb_:
For those who missed that particular bit (it's in the SceneSat ReLive somewhere), what exactly is that mysterious presumed-liquid? :)
Whoops. Did not intend to quote the image too.
Its a secret danish blend of Magic Man and Vodka!
kb by the way won the award "Best sexy german command voice" - runners up were Curt Cool/Depth^Hoaxers and Nerdine / Hitmen.
horse piss?
I took a sip this morning when I woke up hungover thinking it was just energy drink 😵
What a wonderfully bad idea ( ;
*someone who wishes they are going to TUM, sort of*
*someone who wishes they are going to TUM, sort of*
So did Dwarf's mom contribute this year? ;)
Missed the DUB awards on the stream? - see them here: