Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
@mog: Nice, had something similar in my head a few month ago. Problem is, I can't code. So perhaps I have to cut it out from paper ... :)
heh, there are no girls on the internet : http://imgur.com/iepRHFb,NKhzA74
except her : http://weheartit.com/danyingli mmmɯ
except her : http://weheartit.com/danyingli mmmɯ

harism go home you stupid troll
Un-dusting the old Amiga "skills"… (upcoming sauftro, hopefully ready for tUM)

I must say, Amiga assembler coding is a lot more fun today than twenty years ago! (ugh, twenty years…) Kudos to the nice folks over at EAB and ADA for their insightful discussions, code examples and whatnot!

I must say, Amiga assembler coding is a lot more fun today than twenty years ago! (ugh, twenty years…) Kudos to the nice folks over at EAB and ADA for their insightful discussions, code examples and whatnot!
looking forward to it losso!
This could be named as: "Few years too late".

Mangareva looked quite different before, it was supposed to be released at Assembly. Because it didnt run quite fast enough on my 486 I rewrote the effects.
Here's a glimpse what the demo looked liked:

Here's a glimpse what the demo looked liked:

ffs shell.nullcore.fi/~ubranch/OLDREVASHIT.zip

geeeez, wonder how long it takes her to answer my simple question (only one i've ever asked her) - does she see her picture on my personal blog - or not (last time, before leaving the place, she told me no).... women.... :(

I bet it's dead deer v2.4.2013.07.467 !!
Oh noes !!!!!! It's Dead Dear 2.6.2013.001 with shadermodel3 support. ;)
Nice rendering though.
Oh noes !!!!!! It's Dead Dear 2.6.2013.001 with shadermodel3 support. ;)
Nice rendering though.
it's only a critical-case for the use of the software...
not that demo oriented, but my "wip" thingies are here : http://www.coffee3d.net
will maybe use it for kstorm later on...
will maybe use it for kstorm later on...
do you know why directx compilation of shader model3 effects are so slow comparing to the instantaneous of OpenGL in the same shader ?
oups, it's already a thread : http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=6854&page=1
renaming D3DCompile_46.dll to D3DCompile_43.dll works !

Turned out to be too big to be usable (C64 anim), but maybe some other time...

Still a long way to go...

"datas" ? ... you're not turning french, are you :D