
Congratulations America/Canada

category: general [glöplog]
Adok, yes, you're right that China is one of the major reasons for attacking Iraq. This is also supported by the fact that Afghanistan was an oil pipeline from Iraq to China. However, this doesn't make what Bush did any more moral.

Fact is: growth of China will make it a major economic rival to the United States and other countries. But for growth it needs oil. Now, tell me, is it moral to scarifice a country for your own good? Is it moral to force China back into poverty? I see China becoming a powerful partner and rival, but *not* an enemy, unless someone like Bush makes it into an enemy.
added on the 2004-11-22 19:25:15 by eye eye
Iblis, Dominei: brilliant.
added on the 2004-11-22 19:29:42 by eye eye
question is, who does China consider you?
added on the 2004-11-22 19:30:10 by Gargaj Gargaj
europe and asia have built on eachother's success for thousands of years. Before we took over and shit (colonial era) . but then the wars came and everybody over here stuck fingers in the ground and realised it wasn't so smart. because now usa is in the lead.

which isn't good for the sole reason that the older civilizations have gone through millenia of learning stuff the hard way (accumulation of socio-cultural and political capital and civ-building experience), while usa has just started that process (south america, vietnam, middle east).

In terms of game theory, asia and europe have a long history of tit-for-tat. us hasn't really discovered tit yet :D

I'm putting this in hip hop language so that all the american bitches and homies that read this may understand (yeah, lots of americans understand real language too, but...:P)

And no, I don't mind americans in general, just 2/3 of them :D
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MC Hammer was in Iraq.
added on the 2004-11-22 20:45:52 by superplek superplek
Who else would translate the orders from the officers to the soldiers?

"yo homie pimp, driveby that fucked up mofo with the brown skin and goatie"

"yo bitch mama, abuse dat mofo homie in that cell, 'ho"
the dude with the machinegun is sitting on an invisible chair?!?!! goddamn, i never keep up with modern warfare!
added on the 2004-11-22 20:55:16 by el mal el mal
added on the 2004-11-23 20:00:50 by witeshade witeshade
maali, he's probably just got hemmerhoids
added on the 2004-11-23 20:06:39 by witeshade witeshade
I am sorry to tell you this, guys, but last time I checked, MC Hammer was dead. So he couldn't be in Iraq, unless he appeared as a bad-dressed rhyming ghost.
added on the 2004-11-23 23:59:10 by moT moT
