Awards discontinued
category: general [glöplog]
all of you would have a handful of effets if you have coded instead of chatting here, probably a few pictures aswell, and some tunes..
To balance it out I usually save time by using my regular (and might I add; extremely famous) musician co-conspirators instead of listening through the tons of tunes sent to me by a bunch of nobodies.
Slummy: *cough*
Gargaj: you're famous, it will get released! (I just have to get through the backlog of stuff from NORDIC heroes first..)
well... this thread convinces me that it was right to left the scene. :)
to solve the music-problem, you should do it like cocoon and buy stuff of major-musicians.
to solve the music-problem, you should do it like cocoon and buy stuff of major-musicians.
Smash: i'll send you some of my trap, so you can make a demo that's hip with kids (moombahton and juke also possible)
Who am I kidding, I haven't made a song in months!
*does handstand on bunch of kvlt and swvg records, slips on Krampfhaft EP, falls and breaks rare Juicy J acapella dubplate*
*does handstand on bunch of kvlt and swvg records, slips on Krampfhaft EP, falls and breaks rare Juicy J acapella dubplate*
I can strongly recommend using tunes from Okkie, he built up a lot of oldschool-cred with his tunes for some awesome AMIGA demos
but i think the "friendship" between the sceners is on another side a closed door for newcommers or other sceners...
Oh shit. I've been doing it wrong all these years.
im gonna listen to some scooter - friends now..
Shifter: how?
smash: you can subscribe to enough records mailing list and get a mail every time there is a new release.
***PSA: If any SMODs (cf. SMOF) are working on new scene awards and would like my orga help (that is what I am best at) please please poke me. ***
I do not feel qualified to start anything myself, by nature of my comparative newness to the scene, geographical remoteness, and lack of other than orga cred. For a new award to succeed, it needs buyin from big names people know, even if those folks are not organizing it, as well as a bunch of orgas at a variety of different places in life (ages, sets of responsibilities, etc.)
And now back to booking crap for the trip to Revision, prep for Sundayś @party orga meeting, housework, and further banging at a project I am working on (apotropaic gesture); yay blizzard closing my work. I may not be coding shaders, but well, my skills lie in other areas at present.
Also, somebody get smash some tracks. : D
He sounds pretty depressed. Let's prove him wrong and actually do something! \m/
I do not feel qualified to start anything myself, by nature of my comparative newness to the scene, geographical remoteness, and lack of other than orga cred. For a new award to succeed, it needs buyin from big names people know, even if those folks are not organizing it, as well as a bunch of orgas at a variety of different places in life (ages, sets of responsibilities, etc.)
And now back to booking crap for the trip to Revision, prep for Sundayś @party orga meeting, housework, and further banging at a project I am working on (apotropaic gesture); yay blizzard closing my work. I may not be coding shaders, but well, my skills lie in other areas at present.
Also, somebody get smash some tracks. : D
He sounds pretty depressed. Let's prove him wrong and actually do something! \m/
yes. next time i sing in the shower, i'll record some mp3s!
We are sorry to necro an old thread but feel it is fitting to announce this here.
At TRSAC 2013 we will host the successor to the awards - the DUB awards! We have put together a competent jury consisting of prominent sceners we feel are able to both put in the work as well as judge the efforts of the demoscene on all relevant parameters necessary for doing a great awards show.
We will reveal the first winners of the DUB awards at TRSAC, as well as the categories involved and of course - the nominees. It is important to note that we are working on the financial details as well sponsoring and web presence at the moment. However we'd like to take this opportunity to express our hopes that you will all tune in on the stream on Scenesat or even better - turn up to the party and cheer for this editions winners!
much respect on behalf of the entire DUB awards-team
At TRSAC 2013 we will host the successor to the awards - the DUB awards! We have put together a competent jury consisting of prominent sceners we feel are able to both put in the work as well as judge the efforts of the demoscene on all relevant parameters necessary for doing a great awards show.
We will reveal the first winners of the DUB awards at TRSAC, as well as the categories involved and of course - the nominees. It is important to note that we are working on the financial details as well sponsoring and web presence at the moment. However we'd like to take this opportunity to express our hopes that you will all tune in on the stream on Scenesat or even better - turn up to the party and cheer for this editions winners!
much respect on behalf of the entire DUB awards-team
DUB awards, seriously? What makes the DUB awards a worthy "the successor"?
And naming it DUB awards for something "that big", well sorry about that, not the best idea ever imho.
Anyways, it is good to have a successor, but "DUB awards" just feels wrong for me.
And a bit transparency could help (i.e. Who are those prominent (lol) sceners? etc.).
And naming it DUB awards for something "that big", well sorry about that, not the best idea ever imho.
Anyways, it is good to have a successor, but "DUB awards" just feels wrong for me.
And a bit transparency could help (i.e. Who are those prominent (lol) sceners? etc.).
Sorry for being that mean, I really appreciate the effort (awards are really a damn good thing).
But you just can say that your thing will be "the successor" - you have to gain acceptance first imho.
And "$groupname"-awards is actually something like the worst thing one could come up with.
But you just can say that your thing will be "the successor" - you have to gain acceptance first imho.
And "$groupname"-awards is actually something like the worst thing one could come up with.
They are a worthy successor because because they are the only ones DUMB enough to do it.
las mad over a word though LOL.
las mad over a word though LOL.
DUB awards, seriously?
Sorry for being that mean, I really appreciate the effort
Nnnno, I don't think you do :)
If it will be a real DUB award rather than just a sceneorg award clone it might actually be more interesting

Nnnno, I don't think you do :)
False accusation. I really do. :)
I didn't want to start any kind of flamewar.
+ Tomoya wins.
They are a worthy successor because because they are the only ones DUMB enough to do it.
Well, in a way... you got a point there.
las mad over a word though LOL.
Nope, not really. ;)
I was just mentioning something I found rather obvious.
keep your awards where the sun dont shine or give them to fairlight...
Yeah, it was a shame to see it go, it's good with a nomination for stuff you do that helps the scene, we already vote on the demos. It's good with a prestigious prize.
Side note: It's always about esteem for me, (fame/glory/respect of your peers etc), but I can't help but think even early-ish demoparties achieved some of the prestige through prize money (and through disk mags). I wouldn't mind a higher entry fee to raise that prize money; it's not the expensive part of going to a demoparty anyway.
Side note: It's always about esteem for me, (fame/glory/respect of your peers etc), but I can't help but think even early-ish demoparties achieved some of the prestige through prize money (and through disk mags). I wouldn't mind a higher entry fee to raise that prize money; it's not the expensive part of going to a demoparty anyway.