

category: residue [glöplog]
Quote from the oneliner (TomoAlien):

Yeah, I think it's just that someone hacked into Adok's account. Well... Looks like people here have a really big grudge against this guy (And well, I think the grudge is justified). Still, hacking someone's account just to troll is a dick thing to do.

TomoAlien: Why do you think the grudge against me is justified? Honestly, I don't understand it myself why some people have a grudge against me. Really, I don't understand it! I've been longing for years that somebody finally explains it to me. I really don't understand the reasons.

So I've started a new thread so that people can finally explain it.
added on the 2013-09-28 17:25:23 by Adok Adok
Countless people have tried to explain it to you in the last years. All the time. In lots of different ways and with lots of different words.

You're just too boneheaded to understand, that's all.
added on the 2013-09-28 17:32:06 by kb_ kb_
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added on the 2013-09-28 17:33:06 by kb_ kb_
Adok is obviously Megatroll, leader of the deceptitrolls.
added on the 2013-09-28 17:38:33 by ham ham
And, yes, this thread is pointless.
added on the 2013-09-28 17:40:09 by ham ham
kb_: Please explain it to me again.

Once you said: "You are actively harming the demoscene." I did not understand that. You did not explain it to me.

I don't understand it now, either.

I am not trying to harm the demoscene. This is not my intention. So if I am harming the demoscene, then I am doing it without wanting it. If you want that I stop harming the demoscene, you must tell me what I'm doing wrong.

We stopped publishing political articles in Hugi after 2008, if that's the matter. However, people have been criticizing me for way longer. So there must be a different reason why they hold a grudge.

I only recall the feedback I received when I published my homepage back in 2001. That was when people started hating me. I remember axiom said on IRC that nobody likes me because I was so good at school and that apparently I have no weaknesses. Is that the reason?

I also know Scamp is holding a grudge against me because of an article in Hugi #16, in which I wrote about his (then new) relationship with Fashion. I apologized for that article and removed it from Hugi #16, but Scamp is still hating me. I guess that because of that, he has also (successfully) tried to make other people in the scene hate me.

Then I recall that people did not appreciate an old article which I had written when I was starting to study medicine, which was about eugenics. I understand by now why they did not like this article and in case you have not noticed it, the article was removed from the Internet a long time ago. I have not written about eugenics since 2003 and I do not support any legislation as to who is allowed to reproduce and who is not.

If these are all reasons, then the only one that is really valid now is that I was good at school - but if that is the reason you hate me, then you are the bad guy, because in that case you are intolerant and hateful.
added on the 2013-09-28 17:58:25 by Adok Adok
Or Adok is drunk or his account actually was hacked by someone changing his name and avatar into Kim Jong Adok.

@Gloperators: can you trace that?
added on the 2013-09-28 18:01:01 by w00t! w00t!
WsW: Please stay with the topic. My account has not been hacked. I just wanted to have fun, therefore I chose the North Korean flag as my avatar and (temporarily) renamed myself to "Kim Jong Adok".
added on the 2013-09-28 18:02:27 by Adok Adok
Come on, Adok, I don't believe that anybody hates you.

It's just you boring people again and again, that's all.

added on the 2013-09-28 18:05:08 by ham ham
People project their own insecurities onto others.

A lot of these people consider themselves more intelligent than the average chap because they can code well or whatever. And sure enough in that way maybe they are. But when it comes to things like emotional intelligence they are straight up retarded.

Does this remind you of anyone?
you watched too much dr. phil
added on the 2013-09-28 19:35:05 by el mal el mal
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added on the 2013-09-28 19:44:25 by hollowman hollowman
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added on the 2013-09-28 20:30:04 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2013-09-28 20:51:46 by w00t! w00t!
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added on the 2013-09-28 20:54:35 by trc_wm trc_wm
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added on the 2013-09-28 21:17:13 by Tomoya Tomoya
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added on the 2013-09-29 00:19:17 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
hating adok is too much credit for the man.
added on the 2013-09-29 00:26:43 by el mal el mal
I shouldn't be posting here or getting involved with this, I don't need more mud. However since I was the first to question the supposed cracked status of your account on the oneliner, I'll put 2¢ here.

by Adok:
WsW: Please stay with the topic. My account has not been hacked. I just wanted to have fun, therefore I chose the North Korean flag as my avatar and (temporarily) renamed myself to "Kim Jong Adok".

Not everyone's definition of fun is your definition of fun. I'm pretty sure most people decided this was a real WTF.

by Adok:
If these are all reasons, then the only one that is really valid now is that I was good at school - but if that is the reason you hate me, then you are the bad guy, because in that case you are intolerant and hateful.

Nothing is ever truly gone on the internet. While it may not be available on the online HTML dumps of the magazine that doesn't mean people don't have the original diskmag executable release hanging around somewhere. There's nothing that stops them from posting it, either. However even ignoring that, "out of sight, out of mind" doesn't really apply here: someone is going to remember and perhaps they're not so forgiving.

Nevertheless it has been seen in today's age that it is quite possible to write a "non-apology", which I think is quite apt here. Yes, you might have removed directly offending pieces, but you didn't try to change yourself to be more likable since then. What does the removal of those things mean if they get the feeling that any time later it's possible something of a similar sort would come from you again, even if it's targeted against someone else?

It seems like from threads created on this BBS that you come across as somewhat antagonistic, and unapologetically so. It's hard for people to believe you did those things in good faith and honest willingness to right a wrong if you never seemed to change. I don't know if it's very likely at this point, but if you actually truly did try to change how you interacted with other people here they might be less angry with you.

The last paragraph shouldn't be taken as a "people will like you if you conform" because as far as I can tell, everyone in the scene is weird. I'm weird. That's "normal" around here. It's just that you've sort of stretched or stepped outside everyone's bounds of their acceptance of that. I don't know that it was obvious to you, but it should have been, that when you announced you were leaving the scene at the end of the year it didn't exactly seem like most people cared or would be missing you. In fact, I'd swear that since then--through I can't find it--that one person wished you'd leave sooner. It may only be a few people, but they're quite vocal. I'm sorry, but you have a personality PR disaster.

Anyway, that's how I see it as someone who came to this part of the scene relatively late and missed all the shit when it originally went down. I don't hate you or perhaps even dislike you, but I can see why you have a lot of mending you should do ...
McBain, having tackled Adok over some of the things he's said here.
Shake your head, point and laugh at him occasionally and sometimes even pity him.

Here is a man who is still studying in his 30's (tho not for a PhD or anything that I know of), still lives with his parents, has minimal social interaction with actual real people and is completely ensconced in the idea that since he is a paid up member of Mensa that IQ testing is the only true representation of a measure of intelligence.

Don't get him started on eugenics and racial profiles.... put it this way, there's a reason that people in the past have made Hitler jokes about him.
Someone a while ago asked me why I have him on fb. As Sun-Tzu might have said - "I want to be able to monitor the really fucking crazy ones!"
added on the 2013-09-29 08:18:09 by ringofyre ringofyre
is it adok bashing season again? it's _really_ getting old.
added on the 2013-09-29 12:02:30 by psenough psenough
this reminds me of how everyone hated optimus at some point. eventually there was a thread of his where people actually posted decent advice (as opposed to the more re-occuring "get a life"), and he actually tried following those advices and managed to turn around somewhat.

perhaps we could try the same for claus instead of re-occuringly trying to ostracize him from the scene? i mean, after all the shit you thrown at him, he's still around, clearly he isn't planning to go away.

adok: people dislike you because you think you're superior and smarter while you're not. you wave the mensa thing around like it's a big achievement while in this community it's not. you write tutorials on things (like coding) that you are barely any good at but think you are. you have borderline racist political views which you seem to believe as acceptable. all of these things people have clearly explained to you they are bad. you hide the result when people point at it with hard backlash but you clearly retain the superiority complex and rightfulness of your views, otherwise you wouldn't write something similar a few months later. i believe you need to learn about humbleness, equality and general social interaction. i'm no expert on psychology ofcourse, and this is a community of inflated egos, ocd hipsters and antisocial artists, not the best example of "normal" social interaction, whatever normal might mean. but if you keep feeling like you are superior to others all the time that will lead to nothing good for you.

there is nothing wrong with trying to be better, there is nothing wrong with being better. there is something wrong with trying to show people you're better all the time. and it's just sad when you're actually not.

regarding your political and eugenics views, there is nothing wrong with having different views. but you have to be able to discuss them with an open mind and understand why someone else differs from your opinion. in this case it's a pretty big deal if you don't, since you're talking about things that many people in this world believe to be attrocious. even things that appear most logical can sometimes have bad reasoning behind it.

i don't hate you or have any grudge against you. i think you're mostly misunderstood and lack friends to tell you when you're being stupid in your reasoning, to make you rethink your logic before the internet catches on to the idiocy. people don't want to be friends with someone who thinks he is superior. i would fix that first. get some humbleness prioritized inside your head. not sure how, but i'm sure there are some books about that.
added on the 2013-09-29 12:40:22 by psenough psenough
adok: and i actually want to apologize to you. we were friends at some point and i didnt keep touch, i should have explained and discussed these things with you when they were happening, i know you're not as bad as most folks here seem to picture you. instead of helping you as a proper friend should do i just distanced myself. send me an email if you want to get back in touch, you can find my active email on my homepage.
added on the 2013-09-29 12:50:17 by psenough psenough
Since this was mostly directed to me I wanted to respond, but psenough already made all the points I wanted to make, so there.
added on the 2013-09-29 14:02:50 by TomoAlien TomoAlien
