TRSAC 2013 - 18th - 20th October - Aarhus, Denmark
category: parties [glöplog]

that's an accurate account of any TRSAC party!
for questions you can always phone the TRSACrebleu Hotline

When autumn is coming, you know what time it is...

It's TRSAC time!!!

It's TRSAC time!!!
dodge: I know, I know....
but... I missed demodays and it's not sure whether I can make it to tUM either! and waiting for that "revision" simply is too long!
but... I missed demodays and it's not sure whether I can make it to tUM either! and waiting for that "revision" simply is too long!
TRSAC is gonna be like

TRSAC surprise compo is gonna be like:

Ticket bought!
It's probably gonna be like:

TRSAC is gonna be like

TRSAC food tickets will be like ...

But this is what it's REALLY gonna be like!

I can't believe it, I'll be there somewhere between 24th and 28th October... so close, and yet, so far...
God damn you mister fox, if I knew how to drink coffee, it would be all over my monitor now!
Jeenio, go early! .. we can fit you in!
TRSAC compo crew are gonna be like

50% of the questions for this years quiz are now done! .. anyone interested in winning this year - not sure mr. lug00ber should have the opportunity to try and win in again.
american team!!
@dwarf: I am confident that your desire to see me lose is gonna secure a spot for the Norwegian team also this year (although you will, yet again, be disappointed).
Plot twist - all the questions are in Elvish!
MURICAN TEAM for sure.
Also, I think the defending champions should be allowed to defend themselves. Normally I'd say no, but maybe we can have someone who cheats a lot man the scorekeeping?
Also, I think the defending champions should be allowed to defend themselves. Normally I'd say no, but maybe we can have someone who cheats a lot man the scorekeeping?
Norway sees your puny 100-person PANTS OFF party and raises with