Show what you do in Photoshop
category: gfx [glöplog]
though the images are nice and stuff, like since some pages ago i have the feeling it is an advertisement thread...
also: loaderror's pic is my favorite!
also: loaderror's pic is my favorite!
I advertise guns and violence.


forcer: you don't have url's embedded that ruin the gfx and make it an advertisement... nice work :)
Is it just me or is the perspective of the lower left part wrong? Look at the reference lines:

Don't take it badly Forcer, it looks awesome! I'm just giving constructive criticism :) If I follow the reference lines from the right part of the image until they join, and then do the same on the lines from the lower left image, they'll definitely not meet on the same location.
Great pic Forcer!! Love the high contrast!
@Skomp, I think there's nothing wrong with adding a URL as a signature.
If people like the art, it just makes it easier for them to find more of the artist.
though the images are nice and stuff, like since some pages ago i have the feeling it is an advertisement thread...
@Skomp, I think there's nothing wrong with adding a URL as a signature.
If people like the art, it just makes it easier for them to find more of the artist.
@Skomp, I think there's nothing wrong with adding a URL as a signature.
i bet, as you are one of the ppl constantly doing it :P i would just prefer you release the stuff at parties and then link to artcity instead of ruining the pics by adding a url. i would say: it's ok if you post the url as a forum text, but in the image it kinda ruins the artwork itself. just my 2 cents. if it goes on like this i can simply ignore this thread and stop complaining :P or:
every pic than can be created with photoshop has been posted by now, thread closed :D
krimble, thanks pal.
xTr1m, constructive criticism is totally welcome.
I know perspective is off but I didnt feel like fixing it :]
too many layers. That corridor in the background is quite
abstract so it didn't bother me that much to reconstruct it.
xTr1m, constructive criticism is totally welcome.
I know perspective is off but I didnt feel like fixing it :]
too many layers. That corridor in the background is quite
abstract so it didn't bother me that much to reconstruct it.
I'm not gonna lie Skomp. I want people to come to my site if they like my images and I want as much publicity as I can get. Why is that so wrong?
To be honest, I'd be happy for sceners to put paid adverts in their demos. Let them get some benefits from their hard work.
To be honest, I'd be happy for sceners to put paid adverts in their demos. Let them get some benefits from their hard work.
Oh and Forcer...that is a fucking masterpiece!
Is it just me or is the perspective of the lower left part wrong? Look at the reference lines:
I saw this too.. but then I figured that the floor in this area with the hole is angled up. In that case the perspective there is correct. Although the foot seems too close to the background somehow.. well, it doesn't affect the overall picture anyhow.
Oh and Forcer...that is a fucking masterpiece!
Yeah, agreed! Not really my taste, but still that's fucking great work.
I'm not gonna lie Skomp. I want people to come to my site if they like my images and I want as much publicity as I can get. Why is that so wrong?
You're doing this artist thing wrong wade. You're supposed to let your work sink into obscurity until you die of poverty, and hope somebody notices you were great after you're dead.
I'm not gonna lie Skomp. I want people to come to my site if they like my images and I want as much publicity as I can get. Why is that so wrong?
well, somehow i can understand you and i also agree with you partly. as said: i have no problem when you post your site. but it's ruining good pictures if there is an ad in it. f my photoshop was registered and the test version didn't wore out, i'd painted a pic now. just imagine a white bg with bad mouse handwriting on it, saying: "come to my site bitches, that's where you find the dang pix"
To be honest, I'd be happy for sceners to put paid adverts in their demos. Let them get some benefits from their hard work.
paid advertisements in demos? no fucking way... i code demos in my free time because it's fun. i like it when other ppl can enjoy what i do. and as i have no expenses i don't want money for it. this is something i personally find very important: hobbies should not be there to make money. if they were, it's work, and work sucks. other than that: we have commercials from sponsors all over the parties, they pay large parts of the parties and provide food/drinks sometimes, which is really nice. but in the compos there is the only time we have left for our stuff. we had a trailer of battlefield 4 playing right before the 64k compo at revision. that was heavily discussed. i for one say: i can understand the sponsors, but i'd be willing to pay a higher entrance fee if that is guaranteed to not happen again. they could have released it at the party though, meaning entering it into a compo. that's what i say here too: enter your stuff into a compo and see if ppl like the urls in the pics...
we had a trailer of battlefield 4 playing right before the 64k compo at revision. that was heavily discussed.
And as one of the people responsible for that incident let me assure you that this was a mistake that we'll never fucking ever make again.
Also, 100% agree with what you said about demomaking as a hobby. We FR guys have done several commercial/ad projects in our spare time (project snowblind teaser, .detuned, etc) and they all felt horrible. It completely sucks the fun out of the thing.
I've actually had both types of experiences. For example, Catzilla was awesome to work on, mostly because of Bonzaj's direct creative control. But yes, mixing-and-matching demoscene-play with creativecoding-work can be ... challenging.
wait? making stuff for fun is fun? blimey!
kb, I'm curious as to why it was deemed to be such a massive mistake. Was this due to backlash from party-goers due to the commercial aspect or because of the violent nature of the trailer?
backlash from party-goers due to the commercial aspect
we had a trailer of battlefield 4 playing right before the 64k compo at revision. that was heavily discussed.
commercial is a dirty word huh?
they're sponsoring these events so you poor fucks can have a nice weekend for a nickel and a dime, right?
or all those techy jobs that are oh so well suited for demoscene artists and coders
Maybe we should just start putting "nvidia - the way it's mean to be played" clips in front of our demos...
endorsed by google!
superplek: you don't get it. it's my personal view, i don't want a commercial at a demo party placed somewhere where it's inevitable, like directly before a compo starts after it has been announced by okkie. i could deal with commercials running on the big screen every now and then, but right before the compo it destroys my mood. there might be an exception if the commercial is very scenish though. but rest assured, the bf4 trailer was not. also i said i would be willing to pay more if that doesn't happen again.
raizor: for me it was all of that. it's not a gamer party, so the audience is not that interested in bf4. and also it's a violent game. don't get me wrong, i play bf3 every now and then. but when i'm at a party i don't like to be confronted with violence.
raizor: for me it was all of that. it's not a gamer party, so the audience is not that interested in bf4. and also it's a violent game. don't get me wrong, i play bf3 every now and then. but when i'm at a party i don't like to be confronted with violence.
first of all: it's not (just) about you. guess there are loads who'd prefer a gametrailer inbetween compos over paying 10 or 20 bucks extra for a ticket.
and the whole violence thing? now it's just getting girly.
and the whole violence thing? now it's just getting girly.
seriously if this kinda shit is a legitimate concern to you i'd suggest finding a hobby
well, as you found your hobby obviously, i.e. trolling pouet and trying to make ppl aggressive, i simply exclude you from discussing with me.