
Welcome to pouët.net 2.0

category: general [glöplog]
Stirling work on this shizznaz, extra grog.
added on the 2013-08-29 19:56:54 by Fell Fell
I'm happy with metoikos' "leave it 6 months" suggestion. That's enough time to see if it helps, and if it turns into an evil dictatorship we have pitchforks. Can't see it being needed :)
added on the 2013-08-29 20:27:11 by psonice psonice
Thread closing sounds good.

The one example I saw was responsible and fair: That thread was already getting Pouetized and the issue at hand was resolved, or about to be. Had it remained open, things have gone down like they did a million times before.
added on the 2013-08-29 21:13:43 by p01 p01
Yes, let's complain that our forum gets a feature all other forums in the world has, only 13 years since the site was created!
added on the 2013-08-29 21:34:22 by gloom gloom
Thread closing sounds good.

The one example I saw was responsible and fair: That thread was already getting Pouetized and the issue at hand was resolved, or about to be. Had it remained open, things have gone down like they did a million times before.

this is not a dang ticket system for slengpung...
added on the 2013-08-29 21:36:14 by skomp skomp
I barely checked that site, but it doesn't seem to have a ticket system.
added on the 2013-08-29 21:45:11 by p01 p01
Wow, it sparked a discussion.

Suggestion: leave it in for six months, then check in with a vote at the end of six months.
With all these trolls I don't trust a vote on these things to pouet.

If mods have this power, shouldn't the thread starter have them as well? Maybe even a delete feature if the amount of posts is below a certain threshold?
Or is it unwise to give such power to users and should it be reserved only for mods?

I have no problem pointing newcomers to our productions on pouet. If people want to know the scene I point them to demoparties, irc and not to the pouet bbs. I point them to actual productions and see if it sticks. If it does, well,. this place here isn't *that* horrible, right?
added on the 2013-08-29 22:02:14 by numtek numtek
by numtek:
by metoikos:
Suggestion: leave it in for six months, then check in with a vote at the end of six months.
With all these trolls I don't trust a vote on these things to pouet.

I don't think it will need a vote. After 6 months it will be apparent it works or doesn't, and most people will probably have come to accept it by then if it does. Proof? Pretty much everywhere else that adds new features. Nectarine changed how the queuing system worked (added limits and a special case). People still occasionally have a one sentence grumble on the oneliner, but largely everyone is okay or happy with it.

Now, can we get back to some other state of "on topic" relevance? ;)

I want the quote feature to have the ability to link to user IDs and have the quote link automatically handle that for me so it says "Quote by numtek:" (or "Quote of numtek:"), where the username is the current display value of that user, so that I don't have to type it out by hand all the time and people still know who I was referencing! :P (Though for consistency, it should still support the old ID-less syntax and not list a name.)
Yes, let's complain that our forum gets a feature all other forums in the world has, only 13 years since the site was created!

Yeah, because web forums are so totally known for being a collection of good ideas and not a giant step back from the pre-web days (which slowly starts to get better thanks to HTML5 and stuff). Your point being?

If mods have this power, shouldn't the thread starter have them as well? Maybe even a delete feature if the amount of posts is below a certain threshold?
Or is it unwise to give such power to users and should it be reserved only for mods?

Nooo no no no no no NO. FUCKING NO.
Seriously. If we're already talking about how the rest of the world is doing things - I know SO many other communities that allow this and it ALWAYS, without a single exception, results in some thread starters throwing a hissy fit, deleting all their posts, adding some insults at the end and then closing the thread so it has become nothing but pure garbage. And of course people don't like being silenced, open a follow-up thread and it goes the other way around.

In contrast here where nothing gets deleted and closed people actually have to stand for what they've said and face the reactions. Which is a way more honest way of dealing with things, and I clearly prefer it even despite all the trolls and image posts.
added on the 2013-08-30 12:02:36 by kb_ kb_
i find thread closing a stupid idea. gives grumpy gloperators too much decisive power in whether 'discussions are done'. and there's also the necroposting thing. maybe in 3 years gargaj actually drives a ferrari and i want to post a picture of that in the 'gargaj you ferrari driver' thread?!?!?!?
added on the 2013-08-30 12:15:33 by el mal el mal
I don't decide, I just provoke to overthink what you said. Just because people have written fucktros 20 years ago, does this justify that potential newbies are scared away from the scene because they had one look too much at the BBS?

You didn't provoke because your logic is completely flawed. Also, sure, the newcomers will be scared because all the scene is about is the pouet BBS, right... If people are interested they will check the releases instead of some "random" BBS here. And if they are "scared" (muahah) just by looking at the pouet BBS, well, then they weren't interested (enough) anyway. But sure, a "close thread" feature will solve everything here, I will comment on this with:

added on the 2013-08-30 12:34:43 by StingRay StingRay
If people are interested, they'll check out the only website that this scene has, conclude that it's full of assholes and retards and then find something else to do with their time.
added on the 2013-08-30 12:53:20 by Preacher Preacher
1) just make the whole bbs login only (or alternatively, keep a few informative threads for newcomers that show up regardless login), skip the moderation.

2) make the bbs less prominent on the starting page (pouet is a demo production repository right? not a oneliner/forum service.. although the current design seems to suggest that) this is clearly a flaw of sticking to a french design from days where pouet's true purpose was less decided as it is now. iow: added demos and added comments should be put central! :)

3) some here still think newcomers are fucking retards and run off the moment they see insider jokes. i think dancing nude finns at demoparties is much more shocking for them than a totally irrelevant picture of a horse with a monocle. pre-pouet, newcomers joined IRC and had to wade thru homoerotic innuendos, donkeyporn and kickbans for amateur questions, sooooo the harsh climate is just part of teh intarwebs.
added on the 2013-08-30 12:59:03 by el mal el mal
You didn't provoke because your logic is completely flawed. Also, sure, the newcomers will be scared because all the scene is about is the pouet BBS, right... If people are interested they will check the releases instead of some "random" BBS here. And if they are "scared" (muahah) just by looking at the pouet BBS, well, then they weren't interested (enough) anyway. But sure, a "close thread" feature will solve everything here, I will comment on this with:


If people are sent here to learn about the scene (presumably with a 'check this amazing prod' email or something), they're going to look around.

And last night at least, first thing they'd have seen would be the one liner, which had "cock and balls" on every line. If this person is at work, they'll probably close the site right there and then. If that doesn't happen, maybe they'll open some interesting thread on the BBS, and there's a fair chance it's a thread that started with some good discussion, but they'll see page 13 instead where it's degenerated into ponies and hitler.

Which is why a ton of people are saying sending people to pouet to learn more about the scene is a huge embarrassment. It wouldn't be a problem if there were some really good alternatives, but there isn't another major site with an extensive prod database and a very active community.

Well, what to do about it? We could sensor the hell out of pouet, but that's not much fun. There's a few basic things that will help though:

- Shut down pure trolling threads, and good productive threads that have run their course and are at that point where they either sink into ponyland or disappear anyway. Leave everything else as it is so we can have some fun too. Hopefully this is what's happening now.

- Hide the one-liner, BBS, and prod comments if you're not logged in. Sanitised pouet for non-members would make it a lot better when you need to send a link to a prod.
added on the 2013-08-30 13:04:21 by psonice psonice
pre-pouet, newcomers joined IRC and had to wade thru homoerotic innuendos, donkeyporn and kickbans for amateur questions

This was actually a reason for me why I didn't go to a proper demoparty until 2005. Put me off for years, but perhaps I'm a pussy.
added on the 2013-08-30 13:07:22 by Preacher Preacher
pre-pouet, newcomers joined IRC and had to wade thru homoerotic innuendos, donkeyporn and kickbans for amateur questions

This was actually a reason for me why I didn't go to a proper demoparty until 2005. Put me off for years, but perhaps I'm a pussy.

thats actually a post that brought me enlightenment
all the time i was "what is so bad about the people on pouet?"
now i see that im just burned by hanging on irc for 15 years.
added on the 2013-08-30 14:08:27 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
If people are interested, they'll check out the only website that this scene has, conclude that it's full of assholes and retards and then find something else to do with their time.

Pouet is surely not the only scene website, that's news to me. What you say is true for SOME people, others will just decide to either ignore the threads here and stick to checking the prods only or they are even amused by the trolling. All that is possible. Thing is, the world is a bad place and there are FAR worse things people have to deal with every day than the pouet BBS. What I don't get is why newcomers need to be baby-sitted but maybe that's just me.
added on the 2013-08-30 15:12:44 by StingRay StingRay
It's nothing new really, but I'm still disturbed how welcoming people are towards nannying.
added on the 2013-08-30 15:33:44 by 216 216
so. hide the bbs. put a general text about the demoscene its place, an invite to sign up to see the community 'features'. and just to please the outreachers: a little warning that like in every community, there are a bunch of disturbed minds present as well, so keep your pepperspray close!
added on the 2013-08-30 15:42:44 by el mal el mal
i mean, if pouet2.0 is an overhaul. let's do it properly as well! ;)
added on the 2013-08-30 15:46:22 by el mal el mal
I lost interest in this thread but then what Preacher said made me wonder.

Why not hide the BBS part of the site, not show it on the front page?

I'll note that I joined the scene without even knowing about Pouet.
We just showed up at ASM '08 having watched a pile of ancient PC demos.
Then we went to Blockparty . . . and met Gargaj at the same time.
Then I decided to run a party.
And that was that.
Although I will note not everyone without something to contribute is so reckless as I can be *wry*
improvement : what about adding small url, code and image button in "post reply" windows ?. the idea is not to make a full featured editor (not what we need). i am just tired to always have to type url, code and image tags while 99.9% websites have this...

no need of a WYSIWYG editor, selecting text and pushing button will just automatically add tags around it.
added on the 2013-08-30 15:51:16 by Tigrou Tigrou
Yeah, because web forums are so totally known for being a collection of good ideas and not a giant step back from the pre-web days (which slowly starts to get better thanks to HTML5 and stuff). Your point being?

My point being that being able to close a thread isn't exactly an earth-shattering new feature, and that it's not like it's completely unknown to people already. The fact that there wasn't one before is quite frankly way more surprising.

Being able to say "Enough - this is going nowhere" is hardly a police state thing to invoke, once in a while. Taking away an outlet for shit is a good thing.
added on the 2013-08-30 17:52:59 by gloom gloom
I second Tigrou on
"small url, code and image button in 'post reply' windows"
