Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
![BB Image](http://i.imgur.com/A8slAxb.jpg)
uncle-x: oh yes please.
mono3 !
unclex I already saw that ;)
numtek: ooh, I love that kind of visuals! add some scratches and stuff over it? :)
numtek: ooh, I love that kind of visuals! add some scratches and stuff over it? :)
![BB Image](http://abductee.untergrund.net/top_kerning.png)
well, obviously
uncle-x: nice!
abductee: top kerning indeed!
![BB Image](http://i.imgur.com/6VdmYVt.png)
more later :)
numtek that looks fucking awesome! =)
![BB Image](http://erleuchtet.org/~cupe/permanent/zahnraeder.png)
![BB Image](http://erleuchtet.org/~cupe/permanent/mohead.png)
cupe, what was the postprocess for smoothing the screen? really nice
Several shitloads of re-adding the blurred hdr image, tone mapping, color grading, vignette, film grain, gamma correction. I might do a seminar on this at some point, maybe. You might want to read High Dynamic Range Imaging, Second Edition.
i thought this was a joke cause of the missing antialiasing. *shrugs* looks good tho. ;)
![BB Image](http://glow.inque.org/stuff/parallaxelerator_wip.jpg)
![BB Image](http://erleuchtet.org/~cupe/permanent/rocket_science.png)
![BB Image](http://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/563061_416668668442215_1276308113_n.png)
7800 envmap polys?
Nah, it's a Larusse fire cloud.
25000 faces!
1600 dots!
Is that an actual WIP shot? If so, it's cool as hell that it's even survived so long :D
![BB Image](http://peisik.untergrund.net/img/bass.png)
yes the shot was dated March 11th, 1995