Getting more people to vote during demoparties
category: parties [glöplog]
Doesn't that just mean that you don't pay enough attention? :)
Wink wink Abyss... next year, why not do an Asmvision Scene Contest show? Do the mobile app thing for voting that's not freely spammable, and maybe a video conference connection to a couple of remote sofascene studios?
I'd dislike seeing remote viewers / sofasceners voting. They can do it later on pouet. Watching a compo at a party is a unique and highly social experience, also there's this huge PA, the reek of the partyplace, a beamer unable to do proper vsync, an unexpected delay before a particular entry, etc.
Discrepancies between experiencing "Scheisse"-Videos while drunk and in an euphoric party mood vs. watching them later proves the point I guess. Not that I have any affiliation with that shit.
Discrepancies between experiencing "Scheisse"-Videos while drunk and in an euphoric party mood vs. watching them later proves the point I guess. Not that I have any affiliation with that shit.
12 points from tampere goes to..
Like Felice, I liked the early compo schedule of ASM this year overall. Didn't even think about it at the time, but it also had the benefit of people being in a better voting condition/mood after the demo compo was over and before heading to their next endeavours. I really don't get why even the "main" demo compo should be delayed up until midnight, since by then everyone's pretty tired or drunk and won't remember much of the productions anyway.
Like Felice, I liked the early compo schedule of ASM this year overall. Didn't even think about it at the time, but it also had the benefit of people being in a better voting condition/mood after the demo compo was over and before heading to their next endeavours. I really don't get why even the "main" demo compo should be delayed up until midnight, since by then everyone's pretty tired or drunk and won't remember much of the productions anyway.
msqrt: that's usually "delayed" because the demomakers need additional time to finish stuff. Also the compo team usually needs time to prepare.
But they're scheduled at 12 or 11 too, why not 9 or something?
because of the aforementioned reasons?
Opinion of a sofascener:
Only ppl at the party place should be allowed to vote because
a) demos should be crowdpleasing and not (just) for technical nitpicking sober nerds
b) suddenly a lot of new "sofasceners" aka groupies or even bots would appear just for voting
c) otherwise there would be less reason to actually go to the party when you can also vote from home
vote-method: maybe some kind of clap-o-meter or yell-o-meter, i.e. some decibel meter? This is a quick and imho fair method to get feedback from the crowd
Only ppl at the party place should be allowed to vote because
a) demos should be crowdpleasing and not (just) for technical nitpicking sober nerds
b) suddenly a lot of new "sofasceners" aka groupies or even bots would appear just for voting
c) otherwise there would be less reason to actually go to the party when you can also vote from home
vote-method: maybe some kind of clap-o-meter or yell-o-meter, i.e. some decibel meter? This is a quick and imho fair method to get feedback from the crowd
Be strict about your deadlines and set them early on so there is enough margin to get the compo all sorted out before it needs to start, wouldn't that work? ASM seemed to do it nicely, the compo wasn't even late for more than 10 or 15 minutes IIRC. I've never been responsible for running a compo though, it probably seems a lot easier than it is :)
It is. And ASM has a massive team - most parties have like one or two people running compos.
Practical or not, I think there's an interesting point there about paper votesheets: having seen it in action at Forever, it does change the way you experience and perceive the compos, in a way that most likely encourages higher participation in voting. You're sitting up front with a pen and paper in hand, and when you're done, everyone queues up to hand in their votesheets before heading off for a beer. It means that - psychologically - the voting is the purpose of the compo night, rather than an optional postscript for the stats nerds while everyone else is out boozing.
That would be awesome.
I guess the main problem is not giving prods away beforehand, but only listing numbers might not be sufficient. Postcompo recap might be good. But that's getting a little complicated.
We just need more compo studios for recap! Such as the Revision 2013 Demo Compo studio that never happened!
Re: "unique and highly social experience"
According to the OP, there's still something wrong with it.
I totally disagree about sofasceners being technical nitpickers. Where does that idea come from? I think the average sofascener knows and cares about technical things just as little as the average person watching the compo at the party place.
If a sofascener ticket cost 10 eur, do you think there would be thousands of bots voting? Yeah right.
According to the OP, there's still something wrong with it.
I totally disagree about sofasceners being technical nitpickers. Where does that idea come from? I think the average sofascener knows and cares about technical things just as little as the average person watching the compo at the party place.
If a sofascener ticket cost 10 eur, do you think there would be thousands of bots voting? Yeah right.
be strict about your deadlines
Excuse me. You have never done any partycoding, right?
TURBO JELLY 3000 was coded on the way and at the party place! Though it's like 300 lines of code on a 4 day party so I get your point - to a limit. If you start off at the party it's kind of your own fault if you're not fast enough :P The deadlines are public information after all.
msqrt: Sometimes, organizers want to go the extra mile and actually help visitors getting their stuff ready and running. You've probably never had a very sad coder in front of you, asking you to extend the deadline a little - have you? THEY'RE ADORABLE - how could I ever say no to that?
Paper votesheets:
I organised that at Maximum Overdose once. That was for 40 people voting for around 15 releases. The visitors threw the sheets in a voting box and than we hacked the votes into excel. We were two (one reading out, one typing) taking about 30 Minutes for everything. It was ok, but if you extrapolate that to a 500 visitors party with 50 releases, it's a real task. Then again, automatic document scanners and a software that can read the scanned results could be an interesting hack here...
However, last weekend's evoke was the first party at which I didn't vote because it simply never work when I tried. Normally the voting is a ritual to me that simply belongs to a demoparty and I think partymeister works well. I don't mind about the double-registration either - got used to it over the years.
I organised that at Maximum Overdose once. That was for 40 people voting for around 15 releases. The visitors threw the sheets in a voting box and than we hacked the votes into excel. We were two (one reading out, one typing) taking about 30 Minutes for everything. It was ok, but if you extrapolate that to a 500 visitors party with 50 releases, it's a real task. Then again, automatic document scanners and a software that can read the scanned results could be an interesting hack here...
However, last weekend's evoke was the first party at which I didn't vote because it simply never work when I tried. Normally the voting is a ritual to me that simply belongs to a demoparty and I think partymeister works well. I don't mind about the double-registration either - got used to it over the years.

Then again, automatic document scanners and a software that can read the scanned results could be an interesting hack here...
Just to throw my hat in the ring: I have some experience along those lines, and I can help with that specific part if anybody wants to take on the other (larger) issues with this approach.
msqrt: Sometimes, organizers want to go the extra mile and actually help visitors getting their stuff ready and running. You've probably never had a very sad coder in front of you, asking you to extend the deadline a little - have you? THEY'RE ADORABLE - how could I ever say no to that?
And sometimes it is really worth it.
I really think the deadlines should be fixed, no extensions allowed.
Just bring that rule in next time though please, I suspect I'll need the extra time to get my shit finished for this next party.
yzi: there's a big difference between voting for a prod you've watched in comfort at home, and a prod you've watched while half drunk and cheering on a massive screen and speakers with a load of other people doing the same. And then talking to the people who made it, and finding out about all the stuff you'd never know from just watching it (especially when it's an oldschool platform you're not familiar with).
I get that sofasceners might actually produce more sane results. But it's not (only) about sane, sober, rational decisions about the best demo, it's also about who rocked the party :)
Just bring that rule in next time though please, I suspect I'll need the extra time to get my shit finished for this next party.
yzi: there's a big difference between voting for a prod you've watched in comfort at home, and a prod you've watched while half drunk and cheering on a massive screen and speakers with a load of other people doing the same. And then talking to the people who made it, and finding out about all the stuff you'd never know from just watching it (especially when it's an oldschool platform you're not familiar with).
I get that sofasceners might actually produce more sane results. But it's not (only) about sane, sober, rational decisions about the best demo, it's also about who rocked the party :)
All you guys seem to be implying that sofasceners don't get drunk.
If they do, it's probably worse.. less reliable voting but still without the party atmosphere. Unless there's a shadow party going on somewhere, then it could work :)