Second Reality full source released
category: code [glöplog]
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Second Reality, we are releasing the full source & assets of the demo into public domain.
Have fun =).
Have fun =).
Nice move!
Great! :D
That's great! Someone already posted something about this here.
I knew it! Amos basic all the time!
now where's final reality!?!?!?
in your pants.
Holy Mother of...
As in prod
SEGMENT kakka3 para use16 private 'FAR_DATA'
from IDEAS:
================ Fully implemented (ready to use in demo):
Ponies! =)
Someone should improve/port this demo. ;)
Every time you say "someone should", God kills a democompo.
Every time you say "someone should", God kills a democompo.
someone should kill democompos.
tHAnks (:
Gargaj + gloom:
Never seen glenz inside the glenz? On pc?
20 years waiting... I am speechless... well thank you! A million times thank you! :)