Dresden Scene Meeting 22.6.2013
category: parties [glöplog]
No, I didn't get wet feet - living up the "hill" (if you dare to call it that) as well.
Not so sure about "should be dry in time", I'm expecting something more like a soggy mosquito-infested swamp riddled with driftwood etc.
But that could be just me, I never really paid attention to how long it takes the meadows to be "habitable" again after a flood... :)
Not so sure about "should be dry in time", I'm expecting something more like a soggy mosquito-infested swamp riddled with driftwood etc.
But that could be just me, I never really paid attention to how long it takes the meadows to be "habitable" again after a flood... :)
...oh, and it's because: "flood comes in, flood goes out - you can't explain that."
I'm expecting something more like a soggy mosquito-infested swamp riddled with driftwood etc.
Well, then let's say adventurously accessible. :)
Oh, and in case it is really not accessible, there is always the Alaun-Park (two blocks north from the "more booze" spot) as a pretty cozy and definitely dry alternative for BBQing.
All right, let's see, I could paddle my way downriver the Gera, enter the Unstrut near Gebesee, further downstream until it merges with the Saale at Naumburg, again all the way down to Barby and merge with Elbe, then a looong haul upstream until I come ashore at DD-Neustadt Elbufer.
Better set sail now.
Better set sail now.
Or just enter one if the army helicopters bringing Sacks of sand. Cheers
"I ain't gettin' in no plane, fool!"
screw the helicopters, the TPz1 Fuchs is where it's at ;)
screw the helicopters, the TPz1 Fuchs is where it's at ;)
...or, if you haven't got that many cargo, the good old VW Typ 166 will do
wird wohl nix bei mir werden. muss jobbedingt nach duesseldorf
Now that the water is gone, I realized yesterday that the barbecue area actually has a concrete ground so I think it will in fact be dry enough.
@Xenusion: Schade!
@Xenusion: Schade!
xen: mach uns stolz!
oh kewl so we don't need to bring life vests :D
oh kewl so we don't need to bring life vests :D
Weather forecast looks quite good for the coming Saturday
Ich fahre heute nach Dresden. Kleiner Familienausflug mit Scene-Event. Find ich großartig. Die Boombox ist leider verliehen. Vielleicht hat noch jemand aus Dresden was vor Ort. Ich bin mit Kfz und könnte auch was abholen. Cheers
Invitation http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=61486!
Started way to late, though d0dge managed to send me all his assets couple of weeks ago. Later tonight, there will be an actual download,- maybe some optimization as well - as it runs slower than 5 Faces in fullscreen here °_o
Started way to late, though d0dge managed to send me all his assets couple of weeks ago. Later tonight, there will be an actual download,- maybe some optimization as well - as it runs slower than 5 Faces in fullscreen here °_o
Wow teh meating with invtro \0/. Ich hab mir die Wiese von weitem angesehen. Sieht OK aus. Ist doch eher grillen als angeln.
yeah, a little slow on 2560 x 1440...
Brätel sind fertsch einjelecht, Gordoffel- Mör'n Eintopp für de Vedschies (ohne Tier, ohne Mopro) kühlt grade ab.
Komme morgen um eense am Woksal Neustadt an.
Komme morgen um eense am Woksal Neustadt an.
D0r Kollech unn iech machen mohrgn ehssu luhs dasmer auf um Dreie - Viere rum bei euch do im Tal sanne. Vielleicht ah scho ehwing eher, wasses noch ned.
Wird bei mir leider nix, muss morgen arbeiten :(
Dann kommen wir eben zu dir :)
Cool Invitro! Nice surprise!! :-)
Eiorschegge is bestellt. Müsschn nuorr nöchn grill vöm bäümorkt höln ün donn konns lösgehn, noarr. Müssch eh hinne.
Eiorschegge is bestellt. Müsschn nuorr nöchn grill vöm bäümorkt höln ün donn konns lösgehn, noarr. Müssch eh hinne.
Just had an excellent leipziger lerche and a bachtaler... back from leipsch to karlsruhe but there might be a chance to become an ossi soon.
Der Weg in die Zukunft ist der Weg in den Osten!
Schlafplatz sieht gut aus, also geht Sonntag Vormittag wohl auch noch bissl was =)