
Freax vol. 1. - Feedback

category: residue [glöplog]
Marq: "ready2die" is not optimus, but sak/jumalauta aka tribe/ex-mimic^ex-pht. which is really sad because i remember him being a nice and reasonable guy back in the early 2000s. now he sounds like a random perussuomalaiset supporter. or a boring internet troll. which is probably the same.
added on the 2013-05-30 23:54:58 by dipswitch dipswitch
lol dipsnitch I value your opinion about me highly..
Hard to keep up with the name changes... and the philosophy concerning women sounded familiar from other threads. But indeed, my bad, and apologies to Optimus!
added on the 2013-05-31 00:04:28 by Marq Marq
added on the 2013-05-31 00:16:40 by Dubmood Dubmood
Pouet's BBS has always been 4chan. Looks like now it's Reddit too.

BB Image
added on the 2013-05-31 00:18:37 by ___ ___
Someone has just said there is no problem with immigrants in West Europe.

This video must be a very exceptional case.

added on the 2013-05-31 01:09:45 by tomcat tomcat
[link=http://www.szentkoronaradio.com/kulfold/2013_05_30_afrikaiak-verik-a-francia-lanyokat-mert-nem-hajlandoak-a-szexre-video]proper link (I hope)[/link]
added on the 2013-05-31 01:10:11 by tomcat tomcat
added on the 2013-05-31 01:10:25 by tomcat tomcat
Well, nosfe, if your idea of sex is like about music, I'd rather not take it.
added on the 2013-05-31 01:11:50 by tomcat tomcat
Hard to keep up with the name changes... and the philosophy concerning women sounded familiar from other threads. But indeed, my bad, and apologies to Optimus!

I've presented no philosophies about women, just about (male) pro-feminists like you.

Being against feminism isn't the same as hating women. It's being against their ridiculous theories. It's being against latchkey kids, or at least acknowledging the negatives. Plenty of women aren't feminists either.

Sure there are positive sides to feminism too, after all now mothers are out there providing me with goods and services instead of caring for their children. Bringing the government more tax revenue (why leftists love feminism), letting businesses do more business (why the right loves feminism). They may feel guilty about it inside, but from a very young age it has been banged into their head that it's their responsibility to be part of the work force, not a "lazy" homemaker (here in Europe).

Whether or not I hate women and women hate me is a completely separate issue.
haha yeah sure, szent korona rádió ("holy crown radio") is such a balanced and reliable resource.
added on the 2013-05-31 01:16:43 by dipswitch dipswitch
dipswitch, is citing sources that support your point is your privilege? And this is a video. Something a camera recorded, you know. What, a moving picture? Must be some Neo-Nazi plot, huh?
added on the 2013-05-31 01:19:11 by tomcat tomcat
ready2die, you will soon live up to your nickname, just watch...
added on the 2013-05-31 01:20:09 by tomcat tomcat
also i don't see anything on the video that "white" redneck kids in a backwards bavarian village would not do. misogyny, apparently, knows no skin color. if this is tomcat's best argument he can come up with to prove how we are turning into "eurabia" etc., then it's pretty weak.
added on the 2013-05-31 01:21:09 by dipswitch dipswitch
Like it's so everyday in Bavaria to beat up a woman on the street if she won't have sex with you right away. Ayeah, this is common view on the streets of Munich! Are you actually believing your bullshit?
added on the 2013-05-31 01:23:11 by tomcat tomcat
for the unattentive reader, i said "village", not munich.
added on the 2013-05-31 01:24:43 by dipswitch dipswitch
Sure, if it happened once, then it's generally done by whites, that's not a generalization, but if it happens several times by blacks, then it's a generalization, each and every time. Also, do decide if you discredit the source generally, or just try to explain the video.
added on the 2013-05-31 01:26:32 by tomcat tomcat
ready2die, you will soon live up to your nickname, just watch...

Was that a deaththreat?
added on the 2013-05-31 01:27:51 by T-101 T-101
However I wonder why there is no such "prejudice" that Bavarian peasants are women-hating rapists, and there is about the niggers. Probably there is no ground to it. Probably. I however would give a thought to probability figures.
added on the 2013-05-31 01:28:30 by tomcat tomcat
T-101: Nope, just a foreseeable event, judging from what is going on here.
added on the 2013-05-31 01:29:12 by tomcat tomcat
Some day we all gotta go.
That's the truth, man.
added on the 2013-05-31 01:30:24 by tomcat tomcat
tomcat why are you still here?
added on the 2013-05-31 01:31:37 by Dubmood Dubmood
To ruin your day. Don't try too hard fighting the Nazis, remember how your people ended up last time.
added on the 2013-05-31 01:32:26 by tomcat tomcat
szent korona rádió didn't film this, so why should i even care about the fucking neonazi source (apart from the fact that every click generated on it is a click too much, thus it is disgusting to even see such a link here).

but the funny thing about this is that tomcat comes along and goes like "yeah, it's the end of the west! eurabia is coming! look at london, berlin, marseilles!11one" and then people who actually do live there are like "well, no, what the fuck!". but of course tomcat knows better. in fact, this is exactly what people like tomcat want the citizens of their countries to be - sheltered off by massive state borders, guarded by turul, the holy crown and all this ludicrous nonsense invented in the 19th century, only believing crazy hearsay about the "outside" - it's almost like "oh yeah, they are all having dog heads in the far away countries and eat small children".

luckily there are still enough people in hungary who are too smart for this bullshit.

ok, i'm kinda tired of this, can someone else take over fending off this ridiculous nonsense? it's not even particularly hard. also, i thought tomcat does not want to be part of the scene anymore. well, i'm sure there are enough hungarian forums willing to talk about "eurabia" and similar things.
added on the 2013-05-31 01:36:24 by dipswitch dipswitch
