Freax vol. 1. - Feedback
category: residue [glöplog]
Actually what is wrong with what I said?
Pretty much everything is.
Sure, I'll quote:
I don't have a definition of "independence for women", as it has never occurred me to change their social status in any way
READ: you've never even thought about the current social status of women and why there are groups out there trying to change it.
(Yet still, you're opposing those groups.)
Certainly locking them up in the basement is wrong, so we can say independence includes not to be locked up in a basement
READ: "I wonder if stating that I'm not a psycho rapist would make me look less misogynist"
(Hint: it doesn't. The effect was quite to the contrary.)
I also despise guys who beat their women to force them to stay with them or do things (also rape them), so we can add that to women's independence, not to be forced to do anything
READ: "I really need to make sure not to sound like a wife beater. Adding something about rape being bad in parentheses should really help."
In your "definition" you're starting a independence=0, then granting women a few points here and there by stating that physical abuse is not ok. And that's it. This is literally everything you've got for "independence for women".
You're not directly "curtailing anyone's freedom" here, but your not granting everyone's freedom either. You're only conceding tiny slices of freedom from a big pie.
But you're not even stopping here.
I am not forcing them not to be "independent" [...] It is actually you (and people like you) who force women to become arrogant cunts, because you push them to behave like this, to be "independent"
READ: "I think I might have come across to liberal with my two points, so I'll have to write some..." (srsly, wtf does that mean?)
You equate some other kind of independence with arrogance (while casually interjecting a sexist insult), claiming that this was "forced" on them by "us". And by "us" you probably mean the "united liberal gay leftist muslim hordes agains sexism(TM)"
You're probably even thinking what a benevolent being you are by not raping and beating women and that they should be grateful for being allowed to live with their husbands, raise the kids, do the household and cook.
He does the same with everything.
"I don't hate gays, I even have gay friends, but ..."
"I don't hate gypsies/jews/whatever, I even blala, but ..."
"I don't hate gays, I even have gay friends, but ..."
"I don't hate gypsies/jews/whatever, I even blala, but ..."

...although I guess it's too late for that now. Oh well.
psionice: So you think that certain opinions should result in detention. Congratulations, you're a good pupil of Stalin or Hitler.
Do I? No. I didn't say that, or imply that. You twisted my words, as you twist any words that don't fit your purpose, as you've proved continuously for the last few days here.
You, tomcat, are a complete dick. You "alleged" behaviour which you never quite deny is utterly dickish. And hey, there's no reason to hate dicks, it's just an aberration no? People should be allowed to be dicks, so long as they're not shoving it in our faces all the time. Like you do. And when that happens, fuck it, lock the fuckers up :)
And now, I'll leave the thread. Unlike you I've not fucked my life up, my freedoms go a lot further than trying to twist people's words on some internet forum, and I have better shit to do.
Now there's only one question left: whether Tomcat weighs the same as a duck.
visy: I might be, but I am certain about Paris, and especially Marseille. And as I heard, your super-tolerant countries are rounding up Gypsies in concentration camps. It was on the news. Heard of that?
I live in Marseille and call that bullshit! There is no place in marseille where cops wouldnt go. Actually, they go into the worst areas all the time to collect their share of the local trade... So you dear sir tomcat the racist is full of bs. oh and btw, you failed twice to answer my question from before. you really are a coward.
No, dubmood, I simply ignore you because not worthy of any answers, save for this one. Your new nickname perfectly fits you. What you get is what you give.
Control: Don't bother shitting into the piano.
Interesting, now La France is Dubmood's country.
And interestingly enough, Marseille is in France.
And interestingly enough, Marseille is in France.
I guess they have baguettes and omlette du fromage then? Marvelous.
That being said, I'm just passing by...
No, dubmood, I simply ignore you because not worthy of any answers
haha. lovely rhetoric you got going there. No, seriously, answer my question.
tomcat: you argument well for your political views, but to everyone who might read them they will still smell horribly of homophobia, racism and mysogism. havoc nailed it well regarding your methodology: protesting beyond the law against things that are borderline extreme nationalist and in ways that are breaking the law is never a good idea (punching people and throwing eggs are now lawful ways to protest against something). i don't see how you'll change politics in hungary by just making noise and getting reoccurently blacklisted. if you feel so strongly about your political beliefs you should be starting a political party and participate in the democractic process. and if you believe the democratic process if hungary is not serving the public interest and things will only get better with a revolution, surely you won't gather a quorum to cause an overture with extreme nationalist ideals.
ps, but... he did!

dubmood: oh. well, atleast he's now on a more "constructive" path then. i put quotes on constructive because i don't believe his views would improve society at all. it's much better then punching and throwing eggs at people though.
ps: i think the poster is from 2006 or smth, if i get the wikipedia page of that party right.
He _would have liked to_ throw eggs at people, but as the story tells, he was too dumb to.
Green Party, yes. A mock party created for fun. It is an actually registered party, but consists of five members only. And yes, I ran for a local election. What are you pointing out with this? Oh, I see you uncovered my plans for global domination... Curses!
ps: It smells from whatever you want to smell. This is the problem with you, liberals: you reserve the right to define others' opinion, and always think you're some witty little detectives who can detect "lies" - that is, if someone does not conform to your prejudices. Also, you confuse the facts, just as any good liberal. I never punched anyone as a demonstration, I punched a guy for being a dick. So what. I recall this happening at parties on a regular basis. About the revolution thing, yes, you're right, but it'll be a counter-revolution, as the revolution has already happened. In fact there was already a counter-revolution in 2006 which the government crushed with brute force.
Anyway it's just lovely how people from other countries, who mostly have never even been to Hungary, let alone speak the language or know the local happenings try to judge my political views regarding my own country and nation.
Gay couples adopting kids is something I don't agree with, because it's a human experiment. Never in human history it has happened that gays were enabled to adopt children and raise them, while still living in a heterosexual majority, and where such kids have to live with the knowledge that everyone else around them - or maybe except a few more families - are not like them. There is totally no way telling what will these kids turn into. Maybe nothing will happen, but maybe they'll develop a distorted personality, and will suffer for a lifetime. Is it fair to put up a lot of kids to such risk?
Plenty of societies before our lifetime used to give parenting by ALL the members of the said societies. Ethnies, everywhere. And look, oh, we all come from them. I just feel bad for you, tomcat. I feel bad for you because you think we all are mad at you. Life apparently needs to slap you more in the face to get you to understand the fact that, sometimes, it might be YOU and ONLY YOU the problem. Surprisingly, everything you're apparently currently living smells like a motherfucking peace of rotten cheese. I do really think that each piece of your life, that you suffer from, is definitely well deserved. Act differently, talk from your heart instead of your motherfucking stomach we all see the result of. You're being completely pathetical. Please, really please take this in consideration. It might help you to see things from a different point of view and thus help you to grow up towards better sights, where you'll finally find inner peace. Which is definitely what you need, young padawan. In the meantime, seriously go fuck yourself and eat your mouth, shithole.
There is something interesting Tomcat mentioned in this thread:
I also made this observation: that demosceners at sometimes write they are "ordinary" people. Doesn't this contrast with the spirit of the scene, being "rebels" and doing "one's own thing"? Have people changed, or has the scene changed?
I also made this observation: that demosceners at sometimes write they are "ordinary" people. Doesn't this contrast with the spirit of the scene, being "rebels" and doing "one's own thing"? Have people changed, or has the scene changed?
Most people are "ordinary" people.
They rebel, they grow up, they do their own thing.
Some people are deluded into thinking that everyone who disagrees with them is part of a muslim gay liberal feminist conspiracy. But they're not "extra-ordinary" either, they are "special".
They rebel, they grow up, they do their own thing.
Some people are deluded into thinking that everyone who disagrees with them is part of a muslim gay liberal feminist conspiracy. But they're not "extra-ordinary" either, they are "special".
Maybe the "rebel" spirit becomes a bit obsolete since in most European countries you are granted much more freedom when you are an adult than during your childhood or teenage years.
By Austrian law, I wouldn't have been allowed to edit Hugi before my 18th birthday, since kids and teenagers aren't allowed to be magazine editors. But I started editing Hugi when I was 12, so that's the reason why Hugi was actually an "underground" magazine from 1996 to 2001.
By Austrian law, I wouldn't have been allowed to edit Hugi before my 18th birthday, since kids and teenagers aren't allowed to be magazine editors. But I started editing Hugi when I was 12, so that's the reason why Hugi was actually an "underground" magazine from 1996 to 2001.