
Freax vol. 1. - Feedback

category: residue [glöplog]
tomcat: Surely you only believe researches that support your irrational prejudices as the rest must be wrong and do not deserve even to be examined.

This is boring and I must sleep. Good night.
added on the 2013-05-29 02:36:30 by ham ham
dipswitch, do not run away, make it clear what are you, or else I'll simply refer to you as a dipswitchist, which has a certain anti-Semitic ring to it.
added on the 2013-05-29 02:37:00 by tomcat tomcat
ham, I was not talking about this, and you weren't either, so you're either trolling or you're an idiot, which is essentially the same.
added on the 2013-05-29 02:37:54 by tomcat tomcat
Good night, genius.
added on the 2013-05-29 02:40:14 by ham ham
If it would I would've always hated several people on the demoscene, and would never had a Jewish girlfriend.

On this occasion, it might be a good idea to talk about where to get a Jewish girlfriend. I'd like to have one too.
added on the 2013-05-29 06:42:37 by Adok Adok
or in your case, any girlfriend at all... :P
added on the 2013-05-29 10:14:17 by el mal el mal
Sorry for going off-topic. I don't care for politics in the context of the demoscene, or on Pouet, but Freax vol. 2? I loved vol. 1.
added on the 2013-05-29 10:31:14 by Preacher Preacher
tomcat, you never answered my question. Why don't you have the guts to admit that you are a racist homophobe? Why do you spend 90% of your time arguing to deny it? I see your worst enemies are "leftists" and you call everyone who dont agree with you a communist. I never met a commie in my life, not even a Stalinist or a Trotskist, who denied he is a commie even though Communism today is labeled just as bad as Nazism by the mainstream. So again, tomcat you racist homophobe, why the self denial? What are you afraid of? You don't see Elton John argue through 80 Pouet threads that he is not homosexual do you? Even he got more balls than you. Coward.

even though Communism today is labeled just as bad as Nazism by the mainstream.

The mainstream actually calculated the number of death due to russian communism and it's supposed to be rather high.

As nobody ever witnessed true harmless communism, the mainstream simply believe it must be as bad as nazism.

Of course, there's a lot of arguments about this all as the reasons of the death are rather different.

In nazism, it was deliberated while in communism, it's only "side effects".

You see the irony of it all, isn't it?

That being said, you can keep discussing about wether I'm a little girl and ps is a jazz musician, I was only passing by.

Have a nice day.
knl whats the kill-count of capitalism/imperalism? only asking since you seem to judge an ism by how many frags it had at the end of the day.
What is wonderful with you is that you don't read well enough what people say.

Did I say "I believe" or "I think" at any moments. I simply gave an explanation of why communism is labeled as bas as nazism.

Nobody care about what I really think, right?
There once lived a smart fellow in France, Louis Sébastien Mercier, who wrote a chapter heading for his article in Tableaux de Paris with the wise words:
Les extrèmes se touchent.
added on the 2013-05-29 13:26:58 by d0DgE d0DgE
Les couilles se touchent.
added on the 2013-05-29 13:38:33 by ted ted
"The balls are touching"?
added on the 2013-05-29 14:08:31 by Gargaj Gargaj
isnt that the point of jeux de boules/petanque in the first place?
added on the 2013-05-29 14:24:14 by el mal el mal
I can see maali knows about balls.
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added on the 2013-05-29 15:08:10 by Canopy Canopy
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added on the 2013-05-29 15:12:18 by Rob Rob
(I guess maybe only the brits will get the nazi 1 ball reference..)
added on the 2013-05-29 15:23:10 by Canopy Canopy
knl wrote:
As nobody ever witnessed true harmless communism, the mainstream simply believe it must be as bad as nazism.

Let's see: Nazism happened once in one country, and there's already no doubt that it's bad. Let's see the countries Communism has ruined: Russia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia (maybe counts as two?), Yugoslavia (make that 5?), Albania, Ukraine, China, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, and there are many more I can't even remember. At every and each place it resulted in the death of millions, concentration camps and ruthless oppression. Yeah, but give it another chance, huh?

A good friend o'mine, Adam Pozsonyi has once wrote: There are people who still dream about a different kind of Communism to come. They are like those who wait for winter all the year, and when it comes, they are suprised that it's cold, windy and snowy. Then they sit in a warm room and complain about it, that they meant a quite different winter, with no cold, no snow and everything that defines winter.
added on the 2013-05-29 16:32:21 by tomcat tomcat
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honestly didnt know that before.

tomcat: when i book a skiing trip i wait for it all year and when it comes, i'm quite bummed when it's storming.
so they put out artificial snow cannons. i believe some people in this thread have a problem with artificial snow cannons
added on the 2013-05-29 16:52:27 by vectory vectory
Back to the balls topic, I think that is a good idea to quote some Tomcat's pearls.

Disclaimer: All quotes are Tomcat's words in this thread. They express Tomcat opinion and not mine.


I've won plenty of lawsuits during the recent years against the state for illegal detention, intrusion of my private life, media libels, and so on. Right now I am going to the European Court of Human Rights.


Marq: Since when tolerating homosexual propaganda is part of civilized behavior?


I didn't know there is a limit for expressing your opinion.


Then why are you whining out about a man punching another? This was a personal matter, and it's not up to you to judge about it.


I see, yet another functional illiterate has arrived. We were talking about legal limits of free speech, and I referred to them.


Let me decide who I punch and why, OK? That bastard launched a libel campaign against me, tried to defame me with anonymous accusations, and spoil my honor. He can be grateful that I did not fuck him in front of everybody.


Homosexuality is an unfortunate aberration, it's like being colorblind or left-handed, there's no point hating people for that. Organizing events to promote homosexuality and boast about it like it were something of an achievement is wrong. I don't want gays rubbing their dicks in my face claiming they are sooo fabulous. I don't want straight people doing that either. Only very stupid people think that not accepting these gay pride things equals hating gays just because they are gay.


You're a pretty stupid person if you think that all this "rights" game is actually about rights. They have a political agenda.


Homosexuals are sexually aberrated people who have sexual desires towards their own sexes - now, this is a definition, do not argue with it.


The biological purpose of sex is reproduction, in case your momma never told this. Gays can not reproduce, or even if they physically could, they don't have the desire. This is a setback, a handicap, therefore unfortunate.


Marriage is an institute to protect the family, which gays are unable to create. Sure they can move together and get a kid from an orphanage, but that's not a family, just a mockery.


Flood your country with immigrants, let gays parade your streets and tell women not to give birth but be "independent" instead. Every civilization's fall starts with enabling such deviances. We, East Europeans do not wish that. Have fun with your equality.


Women: they should not be "independent" as they are insisted to. The entire "be single, be independent, set yourself free" bullshit results in a bunch of arrogant bitches and arrogant men alike. Jesus, it's already common for women to denounce men for rape if they regret having sex with them the next day. Women are encouraged to reject men, to be arrogant and bloated, not to take any critics... and then die alone, with dozens of cats maybe, as alcoholics or junkies.


You've posted some childish mockery. This is not much different from what the others are doing, but I am not going down to this level. A debate is only worth doing if both of the sides are ready to give up their point if proven wrong, or even if not, they are willing to accept what the other side proves. Here I see a ton of simple bigots thinking they are so cool and modern because they're liberalists.


This topic is about my Freax project. Bigot liberalists please move along, there is a nice gay bar next door.


I never insulted any of you. You do it now, as you heard that I have a different opinion on things.


You ask me who am I to judge, while I never judged anyone, but you judge me, like you were chosen and special. Not like I cared what a bunch of retards yalp about me - I'm accustomed to it.


People who don't agree with my views are generally leftists or liberalists, and most of the commenters here made leftist or liberalist comments (apart from politically uncategorizable childish slurs).
added on the 2013-05-29 17:00:47 by ham ham
vectory: You can say that murdering people is just a side effect of an ideology that puts forward the destruction of specific classes. In fact Auschwitz was also just a side effect of another regime that proposed the removal of Jews from society. Also, such comments is just a side effect of acute idiotism, excuse me. Snow cannons, seriously? So you think that Communism is generally good but some people always come up with the idea of murdering masses, regardless of the general idea? This is one of the most ridiculous arguments I've ever heard, and you totally defied logic.
added on the 2013-05-29 17:36:34 by tomcat tomcat
ham, thank you, but I know my own opinions well, and you don't need to re-quote them. If you disagree, either prove them wrong or STFU. This is not a playground for immature kids like you.
added on the 2013-05-29 17:37:35 by tomcat tomcat
I think that I have better things to do that prove obvious bullshit to be wrong.

On the other hand, I'll find interesting any kind of prove that you could provide about the correctness of your bizarre point of views.

Trolls like you fall on their own sWORDS.
added on the 2013-05-29 17:41:20 by ham ham
