
Freax vol. 1. - Feedback

category: residue [glöplog]
Good morning, gentlemen. Believe or not, it was really just by chance that I checked what's going on on Pouet, and I am surprised to see this topic on the front page. I see some certain leftists are still giggling over things that happened almost a decade ago, so let me clear this up.

It is quite nice that you're trying to defame me using links to stupid websites that were created for that reason on the first place. No, it's not nice at all. Hope you're having fun with imagining me as a funny clumsy figure tumbling in his own leg while trying to fight the course of history. Well, first: this has nothing to do with Freax or the demoscene at all. Second, when you're mocking someone, always look behind to see if he's there. Third, if you still do, try opening the entire story so you won't get into shame when he appears.

Hungary has been in a turmoil during the recent years, and in a serious crisis regarding law and order. People were observed and arrested because of political opinions. People were treated as "enemies of democracy" because they did not agree with certain things. Lists of such "enemies" were drawn up, and my name was on it because of my blog. Those who made it to the list were (and are) subjected to police harassment, media libel campaigns and other insidious attacks. Human rights violated by the dozen every day. I am happy that you're having so much fun and think everything is A-OK in our country. I wish you got into a situation like I. I wonder, for instance, how Mr. Non-Childish-At-All Mali and Adok would cope with prison being accused of a terrorist conspiracy, with all the authorities poised to put you down for at least 10 years. I wonder what would you do when you'd be observed 24/7, your phones tapped, your e-mails read, and the police were tasked to find any means to prosecute you, laws disregarded?

I've won plenty of lawsuits during the recent years against the state for illegal detention, intrusion of my private life, media libels, and so on. Right now I am going to the European Court of Human Rights. If this makes you laugh, have a good one.

For the thief-catching web series BoyC mentioned, you can see it for yourself, with English subtitles here:


And yes, I am in house arrest right now, since December. See the reasons in the series. This is why I am going to the ECHR. The entire thing is going on because I pissed off some politicians with investigative reports on corruption. I am sorry for neither of them having English subtitles, but maybe BoyC can tell you about them. There are several dozen videos and articles I produced on the subject.

But what am I talking about? This is probably too much to endure for your little cubeheads, so just turn back to your computers, like you did since your early teens, like the mature people you are.
added on the 2013-05-27 17:37:30 by tomcat tomcat
Tomcat: personally i just and only want to see Freax 2 .. Please pick up this project and make it happen.. (pritty please ;-)
added on the 2013-05-27 17:53:49 by magic magic
Oh boy I missed the part of your house arrest.. good luck!
added on the 2013-05-27 17:55:36 by magic magic
I didn't mean you, obviously. But I am pretty disappointed over some people here. They know me personally, they've been knowing me for years. They know my details, they could contact me any time, and ask me about these matters. Instead they congregate on a forum, cite bogus websites about me and conclude that I've become some neo-nazi freak. Is this the scene that's supposed to be a big family of international friendship? Or is it a leftist forum already?
added on the 2013-05-27 18:16:55 by tomcat tomcat
We did an aricle on Freax#2 in 2008.

How much % is it written ?

If you dont intend to finish it publish what has been done on the internet ?
added on the 2013-05-27 18:36:15 by magic magic
I wrote that I don't think you're a neo-nazi.
added on the 2013-05-27 18:36:27 by Adok Adok
Or send it to me for publication on the demoscene ?
added on the 2013-05-27 18:36:59 by magic magic
I do intent do finish it, but it's pretty hard while you're being chased around all the time and have to spend all your free time with writing motions to different courts and authorities to finally let you live. I've been doing that since 2007. Anyway it's some 75% finished.
added on the 2013-05-27 18:44:21 by tomcat tomcat
Making a case by calling people leftism like it something bad doesn't exactly help improve your image.
added on the 2013-05-27 18:47:25 by Rob Rob
added on the 2013-05-27 18:47:51 by Rob Rob
and i merely implied by what i said (ok, perhaps worded it a tad to ludic) that most people think twice before repeatedly do politically charged stuff. you reap what you sow, etc. so it's clear you do it deliberately and you get plenty of attention for it. and the phone taps, that's not only a hungarian problem. ever since 9/11 plenty .gov play the terrorist card for all kinds of privacy violating things, even in oh-so-liberal holland. and yes, that is not nice, but i assume most people are not interesting enough for phone taps, spies in bushes and all that stuff, so they need not really worry.
added on the 2013-05-27 18:49:50 by el mal el mal
and leftists are bad. :P
added on the 2013-05-27 18:53:42 by el mal el mal
"Leftists giggling"... I guess everyone is entitled to their straw men. Well, let's get the facts straight then, ok? Did this person in question go hanging some homophobic propaganda banners or not? Doesn't seem awfully sympathetic behavior, no matter the political preference.
added on the 2013-05-27 18:54:31 by Marq Marq
Yeah, nationalists are much better.
added on the 2013-05-27 18:54:41 by Rob Rob
CrossProduct: I call them leftists because they are. Like Dipswitch.
added on the 2013-05-27 18:55:46 by tomcat tomcat
nazis and homos both like leather, why cant they just get along?
added on the 2013-05-27 18:56:24 by el mal el mal
Don't know, ask them.
added on the 2013-05-27 18:57:27 by tomcat tomcat
Marq: Since when tolerating homosexual propaganda is part of civilized behavior?
added on the 2013-05-27 18:58:17 by tomcat tomcat
since the European Court of Human Rights (you may know them) say that homosexuals have the same rights as you and i? ;P
added on the 2013-05-27 19:00:35 by el mal el mal
And which of their right have I deprived? What I did was to protest against a disgusting and deviancy-propagating march. As soon as they took it to the streets, it's not a right but a statement. And I have the right for a counter-statement.
added on the 2013-05-27 19:02:48 by tomcat tomcat
apparently you just claimed your own government thinks otherwise. maybe it's not the statement itself but the way you do it that annoys them?
added on the 2013-05-27 19:04:22 by el mal el mal
Right now I am going to the European Court of Human Rights

Since when tolerating homosexual propaganda is part of civilized behavior?

added on the 2013-05-27 19:06:42 by Rob Rob
I don't see any point with arguing with you. Apparently you think that appealing to the ECHR is ridiculous for some reason if the applicant has ever formed a negative opinion on a liberalist political movement, namely the gay lobby. I think you're merely an idiot. Next please!
added on the 2013-05-27 19:53:08 by tomcat tomcat
Maali: A government "annoyed" means a dictatorship. A government should not be "annoyed" in any way: a citizen may break a law, and then he or she will be punished, or did not break any, then the government may shut up. Prosecuting people for being "annoying" is either a Nazi or a Communist thing, you decide.
added on the 2013-05-27 19:54:44 by tomcat tomcat
Hey Tomcat, a few years ago you were already on Dutch national TV, more recently you have proven to be the Hungarian equivalent of Willibrord Frequin, and this morning I saw several cars with Hungarian licence plates parked down my street. Look man, I'm serious, isn't there some other way we can settle this? I mean, in Holland, everyone steals bikes, so even if you switch to daily episodes you won't run out of material anytime soon around here. It's not like if I'd go to Germany and make a TV show about some publisher who didn't send free copies of a certain demoscene art book to all featured artists as promised, because, well, that happened only once (or did it?)
added on the 2013-05-27 20:01:50 by havoc havoc
