Nordlicht 2013 date has changed!! 19th - 21st JULY (details inside)
category: parties [glöplog]
Using helps :P
We're happy to announce that Franky will be taking you back to the 80's with a fine selection of 80's cheese ... I mean spectacular vinyls and CD's on friday night! Also friday night Gasman will put on a gig for us with his speccy orchestra \o/ Stay tuned for saturday's concert announcements!
In other news, SceneSat Radio will be broadcasting live from the party but we do not yet know if there will also be a videostream. We shall see about that :)
In other news, SceneSat Radio will be broadcasting live from the party but we do not yet know if there will also be a videostream. We shall see about that :)
And no, we're totally not stealing from Outline's repertoire of live-performers, we're merely inspired by them ;)
Is there a reason Nordlicht is not listed in the forthcoming parties at
gaspode: It disappeared when we changed the party date, it should re-appear some time .. hopefully!
I cut myself in the finger today but I can still type!
A lot of stuff is happening behind the scenes. We are in the middle of drafting our network and power distribution plans, negotiating with our suppliers and supporters who have been tremendously helpful so far! The visitor counter has risen up to 60 sceners (with some international folks attending too) and we are hoping for many more people to sign up over the coming weeks \o/
You can mail us some beamslides to be shown on the bigscreen during the whole party and on the videostream (submit them in 1920x1080 resolution!) These can be slides about party invites, group slides, scene related companies or projects and so on .. just keep it semi-serious, we won't be showing any nonsensical or offending stuff :)
[✓] Name tags.
[✓] Cake.

see? NoCake
And hopefully no burned harddisks ;)
Vogel, Vogel, großes Auge, Pyramide, Vogel, Großes Auge, toter Fisch, Katzenkopf, Katzenkopf, Katzenkopf, ein Typ der ´So´ da steht."
[urinating dog], [urinating dog], [urinating dog]
Only 54 days remaining, we are now accepting remote submissions!
Send them to " compos [AT] demoparty [DOT] info "
Deadline for all remote submissions: Friday 12th July 2013, at 23:59 GMT
All competition rules apply! Please check them out here
For very large files, you can email us a download link for your prod
Don’t forget to add your nick and / or group name so we can identify you correctly
We’ll contact you once we have received your entry
Any questions, hit us with a message on #nordlicht on ircnet, or use the web form
Good Luck!
Send them to " compos [AT] demoparty [DOT] info "
Deadline for all remote submissions: Friday 12th July 2013, at 23:59 GMT
All competition rules apply! Please check them out here
For very large files, you can email us a download link for your prod
Don’t forget to add your nick and / or group name so we can identify you correctly
We’ll contact you once we have received your entry
Any questions, hit us with a message on #nordlicht on ircnet, or use the web form
Good Luck!
ok, that didn't work ... send your compo entries to compos [AT] sunspire-records [DOT] com instead if you're having problems with the above address!
Only 54 days to go!? Argh!

The cake MAY be a lie but streetuff's trippy musical flavours are not. Only at Nordlicht!
a short reminder from the organizers:
This would now be appropriate time to buy a ticket for nordlicht
This would now be appropriate time to buy a ticket for nordlicht
Nordlicht is gonna be like:

Looking at the visitors list more like:

I hope the Nordlicht compos are gonna be like this:

If someone brings a Wild entry with northern lights, he might just take the compo by storm
I see what you did there!
my facial expression is like

my facial expression is like

because the stuff going on is like

Geilstes Nordlicht-Logo ever! :)