
d0r Osten grillt bis der Fuchs pfeift

category: parties [glöplog]
Wir ham im 3LN grad festgestellt, das wir dorwehgn scho drei Saggsn sind, wer kommtn hier noch so aus der Gegend und hätte Lust mal eh Werschdl aufn Grill zelehgn?
Muss nix abgefahrenes sein, an der Elbe mit n paar Bierchen reicht ja :)
Mir schreim eh halt mal suh!
added on the 2013-04-18 22:07:10 by mog mog
added on the 2013-04-18 22:09:38 by ted ted
ar u ok
added on the 2013-04-18 22:12:24 by Gargaj Gargaj
ach das schöne elbufer :D
this is the worst dialect ever! :P
added on the 2013-04-18 22:14:05 by el mal el mal
Havel > Elbe ;)
added on the 2013-04-18 22:14:35 by tomaes tomaes
Kah ich ah nich dafor das ihr des ned verstiehe tut.

@gargaj: might look like i have a stroke with google translate, but it's all good :)
added on the 2013-04-18 22:17:08 by mog mog
Alright, brief translation:
We noticed that we're already three people from Saxony in 3LN, who's from this area as well, and anyone interested for a BBQ?
Nothing extraordinary, near Elbe with some beers is okay :)
added on the 2013-04-18 22:22:00 by mog mog
@Gargaj: BB Image
added on the 2013-04-18 22:22:22 by Haohmaru Haohmaru
Uhm, okay - then let's keep it in English then, some of the .pl or .cz might be in reach as well.
added on the 2013-04-18 22:30:03 by mog mog
To expand on my ambiguous ":O" and prevent misunderstandings: I'm a Saxon as well...

..ooch wenn bei uns hier geene sau den mog vorstehn würd :)
added on the 2013-04-18 22:33:02 by ted ted
Wenn 's in Dresdn is' kennde das de Fortsätzung von Novels "Dresden Scenemeeting" sein.
Dann könnmer uns alle 'n por Brühen hochkant inn' Kartong quackern.
this is the worst dialect ever! :P

No, this is ^^ in the link, Mansfelder Dialekt.
added on the 2013-04-18 22:33:53 by d0DgE d0DgE
Drasdn geht schu, muss ich ja ner n Berg nunnerrolln ;)

<3 Elsterglanz
added on the 2013-04-18 22:36:17 by mog mog
de rhoi is aach schee...
added on the 2013-04-18 22:39:23 by FeN FeN
added on the 2013-04-18 22:43:38 by mog mog
nu gloar
added on the 2013-04-18 22:47:19 by CME CME
@d0dge: But that was the idea, I missed that, and so did CME - just to get to know some more (area wise) closer sceners would be fun. Though that said, everybody else is of course welcome - though it'd really be for a day, till the the day is over :)
added on the 2013-04-18 22:53:05 by mog mog
dis vorstehsch nisch :(
added on the 2013-04-18 23:05:51 by dalezy dalezy
Moi lieba, ich bin e Meenzer... det kanns doch net gebbe... Sachse? Det is was ganz anesderes. Do komm ich net hie.
added on the 2013-04-18 23:55:00 by xTr1m xTr1m
Bleibst halt dorhamm, s'ner mer Bier für uns :)
added on the 2013-04-19 00:02:45 by mog mog
wann sollsn sei?
Na wenns Wadder mol wieder schie iss :P

Thought about June, July - at a Saturday?
added on the 2013-04-19 17:17:48 by mog mog
22.06.2013 or 20.07.2013?
added on the 2013-04-19 18:01:08 by CME CME
