Revision 2013
category: parties [glöplog]
* not that we would ever put drunk people in front of the camera. That would be irresponsible and not professional at all!
@D.Fox Thanks. I was wondering how soon Revision's crowd is going to hit the limit, I think it's safe to state that is not going to happen anytime soon. Still, 900 folks is an impressive number...
If you put it online please leave out the end with us swedes, i was way to drunk and id like it to remain in my memory all foggy and with large portions missing rather than on youtube in crisp HD ;)
If you put it online please leave out the end with us swedes, i was way to drunk and id like it to remain in my memory all foggy and with large portions missing rather than on youtube in crisp HD ;)
Where can I find the Revision 2013 sunday compo studio??? I've found Friday and Saturday on youtube, but I wanna see drunk smash on Sunday :)
I want to see drunk danes, and also need them for my wilddemo!
How about doing a compo studio the same way you did the invitation announcement? Get a bunch of sceners on skype to talk about the party, show the productions (or links to youtube) there, and then you can have a more..... sober... review of it all.
I'm seriously afraid we won't be able to pull this off at revision. We don't have time in between compos because of seminars and the timeslots being really close together and when you do one after all compos are done and people are hammered.. well, you saw *that* happen this year! (I can still not remember the entire saturday studio talk, except that Kalms was there and XXX was impersonating Britelite)
I will be mulling over how we can improve things next year!
* not that we would ever put drunk people in front of the camera. That would be irresponsible and not professional at all!
Okkie: I Enjoyed the last night's rave on 2nd stage from you and knoeki very much!!
I'm seriously afraid we won't be able to pull this off at revision. We don't have time in between compos because of seminars and the timeslots being really close together and when you do one after all compos are done and people are hammered.. well, you saw *that* happen this year! (I can still not remember the entire saturday studio talk, except that Kalms was there and XXX was impersonating Britelite)
Ahh, sorry, I meant that instead of doing the compo studio at revision with everyone drunk, you do it a week later with everyone at home getting drunk :)
Well, that would be a sad show full of zombies then :)
Haha, i would love to do a 'post-mortem compo studio' with a bunch of fucked up, sick people looking dead on skype! That would own! :D
Or just do one on Monday morning right before the prizegiving. I heard the mood is best at that time! :)
Maybe we could talk about the LEDs thing with the zombies.
D.Fox: yes, I was talking about Crystal in particular, but other hotels might have similar "issues".
Brace yourselves - the future of Revision is as bright as this look :)
(Sorry, seeing this magical moment I just had to press the shutter)

Thank you all the organizers, tech-teams, liveacts and all the audience - you've made my Easter again!
(Sorry, seeing this magical moment I just had to press the shutter)

Thank you all the organizers, tech-teams, liveacts and all the audience - you've made my Easter again!
Well, that would be a sad show full of zombies then :)
added on the 2013-04-05 17:59:22 by D.Fox
Haha, i would love to do a 'post-mortem compo studio' with a bunch of fucked up, sick people looking dead on skype! That would own! :D
added on the 2013-04-05 18:00:05 by okkie
He said "a week later", even organizers should be in relatively presentable shape by that time. I do kinda like the idea to be honest.
I am looking for this dude i met at revision.
His handle should be "Knokkie":

His handle should be "Knokkie":

Just uploaded the last two Hoffman & SaVannaH tracks to Soundcloud under private links. We will be finalising them soon for an extended release on Unstable Label later in the year.
Hoffman & SaVannaH - Dont Go feat. Sanna Hartfield from Sundown 2012
Hoffman & SaVannaH - Nobody's Bizniz from Revision 2013
Hoffman & SaVannaH - Dont Go feat. Sanna Hartfield from Sundown 2012
Hoffman & SaVannaH - Nobody's Bizniz from Revision 2013
A bit late with the dedications:
Punqured: Thanks a bunch for hosting me before the train to Fredricke...Didnt realize how close we were to loosing the train :)
Truck: Damnit! Thought we'd share the bus back home together. Didnt get to say good bye.
T101, Deadman, DDT, Nosfe and all the other usual suspects: A pleasure talking and boozing with you.
Elfan: Did you get your hat :)
Puryx: I the damn bank cancelled the transaction for the bus fare, but don't worry I'll look into it and get your your money...I don't want to be a freeloader ;)
And as a twist: For the next Scene event(possibly solskogen) I WILL NOT BRING AN ENTRY! I WILL NOT! Even if I already got most of the shit together , and the work hours I do back home really shouldn't interfere with me making a prod in the off hours.
Kusma: If the aforementioned turns out to be me a beer this time...OK ;)
Punqured: Thanks a bunch for hosting me before the train to Fredricke...Didnt realize how close we were to loosing the train :)
Truck: Damnit! Thought we'd share the bus back home together. Didnt get to say good bye.
T101, Deadman, DDT, Nosfe and all the other usual suspects: A pleasure talking and boozing with you.
Elfan: Did you get your hat :)
Puryx: I the damn bank cancelled the transaction for the bus fare, but don't worry I'll look into it and get your your money...I don't want to be a freeloader ;)
And as a twist: For the next Scene event(possibly solskogen) I WILL NOT BRING AN ENTRY! I WILL NOT! Even if I already got most of the shit together , and the work hours I do back home really shouldn't interfere with me making a prod in the off hours.
Kusma: If the aforementioned turns out to be me a beer this time...OK ;)
Since D.Fox posted a link to the song of the invitation with the interruptions removed, is it possible to get the ending / "brostep" part in some kind of a "cleaned" version?
If you watch one of the videos on YouTube, they begin with a modified version.
If you watch one of the videos on YouTube, they begin with a modified version.
Oh yeah...and Xerxes to... <3
Quick update: I just found this, so I guess that's it.
Can't say much about the party itself because I were not there. :(
Can't say much about the party itself because I were not there. :(
[url= new pics by h7[/url], starting on page 15 - thanks!