Stealth/survival horror roguelike project..
category: code [glöplog]
Last week was #7drl challenge, where people are asked to make a new roguelike in 7 days. I only had around an hour a day to work on it, so I didn't finish the project.. but I keep working on it still. - Some gameplay with annotations - Update from last night
There's still ways to go, as I haven't even made game states yet (i.e, you can't die yet), but it's around 90% done (meaning, there's the second 90% left to do..)
For anyone who wants to follow the progress, I'm posting new vids to my youtube channel as well as on @Sol_HSA on twitter.. - Some gameplay with annotations - Update from last night
There's still ways to go, as I haven't even made game states yet (i.e, you can't die yet), but it's around 90% done (meaning, there's the second 90% left to do..)
For anyone who wants to follow the progress, I'm posting new vids to my youtube channel as well as on @Sol_HSA on twitter..
So your mechanic is for the main character to use the flashlight to scare monsters away? That sounds fun! (maybe something like Alan Wake there?)
Anyway, I'll be following the development :).
Anyway, I'll be following the development :).
The lamp scares one type of monster away, but attracts guards.
Can you explain the algorithm to generate the maps?
The starting point is the 'marching ants' fractal; move forward, randomly change direction, repeat. This is tweaked so that the "ants" likelihood to turn can be tweaked (the less likely - the straighter tunnels).
I place a bunch of random-sized rooms on the map at random places, then start N "ants" from each room, which can run around until they hit another tunnel or a room (they can intersect with their own tunnels though).
To guarantee that the game is beatable, the first set of stairs is placed level by level so that when the stairs appear on a level, I flood fill from there on and then pick a random position for the next set of stairs from the flooded area. Further stairs are added on random, and may lead to dead end areas on other levels. Is it, in fact, possible, while unlikely, to end up in a situation where you've gone up several levels only to hit a dead end and have to backtrack =)
Monsters and items are also scattered at random, so that there are more guards and loot on higher levels and so on and so forth.
I place a bunch of random-sized rooms on the map at random places, then start N "ants" from each room, which can run around until they hit another tunnel or a room (they can intersect with their own tunnels though).
To guarantee that the game is beatable, the first set of stairs is placed level by level so that when the stairs appear on a level, I flood fill from there on and then pick a random position for the next set of stairs from the flooded area. Further stairs are added on random, and may lead to dead end areas on other levels. Is it, in fact, possible, while unlikely, to end up in a situation where you've gone up several levels only to hit a dead end and have to backtrack =)
Monsters and items are also scattered at random, so that there are more guards and loot on higher levels and so on and so forth.
The game mechanic of the torchlight is cool.
Visually it's all meh but that can be fixed. Also, there FOV of the player should have a fall off to not see to far. Dunno about you, but I don't see very far in total darkness. Make sure to add a fog of war showing the walls already seen by the player.
Visually it's all meh but that can be fixed. Also, there FOV of the player should have a fall off to not see to far. Dunno about you, but I don't see very far in total darkness. Make sure to add a fog of war showing the walls already seen by the player.
Yeah, the visuals need work.. limiting the player's vision is pretty easy to do. I'm kinda juggling between "what should happen" and "what's fun" here.