Ringo's' Random Real Women Thread
category: residue [glöplog]

Mmmm, Tanya Song!

I don't understand the point of this thread, can someone explain it to me? What is ringofyre trying to say with all of these pictures?
That he's wanking quite a lot.
Clearly. Are we supposed to join in or something?
That would just be inappropriate.
Everything is possible these days. Why not.
Calling to order the Pouet Circle Jerks then.
You go 1st...
You go 1st...

In answer to your question fizzer - I post pics of ladies I have found on the web that I think are beautiful. My only limits I impose upon myself are that I prefer ladies that are "real" rather than "plastic" - like airbrushed Playboy models and that if I am posting NSFW I'll post a link stating that rather than a pic.
If you like what you see, stick around. Post some pics yourself.
If not then why are you here?
I noticed that this thread is filled with probably hundreds of pictures of women which you have posted. I was a little curious as to why you have done this, that's all.
Now I wonder how you define "plastic" - some of the pictures appear to be of posing models so they must have been carefully set up and the model is probably wearing make-up in those pictures i.e. not 100% honest.
Besides this, I'm done... I'm actually here for the demos!
Now I wonder how you define "plastic" - some of the pictures appear to be of posing models so they must have been carefully set up and the model is probably wearing make-up in those pictures i.e. not 100% honest.
Besides this, I'm done... I'm actually here for the demos!

Well yeah, you can always argue about that "real"-thing, but for the most part, there are ordinary / normal looking ones here.
there are ordinary / normal looking ones here.
Always the best imho.

I'm actually here for the demos!
and pictures of asian beauties ^^
There we go..

keep the good work up boys, I for one like this thread! :)