
Wikipedia Genocide

category: general [glöplog]

The article on me is not my doing. I have, however, contributed to a few hundred other articles related to the scene (all scenes).

Sorry if you were confused about that.
added on the 2004-10-20 00:21:08 by radman1 radman1
the content of that page on wikipedia was narcissistic and laughable anyway, sorry.
added on the 2004-10-20 00:22:20 by keops keops
He's actually trying to say that you're a dickhead, RAD MAN. That's kinda RAD, quite like the DEGENERATRON.
added on the 2004-10-20 00:27:17 by superplek superplek
Incredibly. There's no arguing with that.

The point is that Wikipedia will no longer be a haven of interesting facts if a gang of Wikipedians are deleting content they simply disagree with or don't find personally interesting.

If there's anything else I can spell out for you, let me know. Otherwise, read between the lines.
added on the 2004-10-20 00:27:48 by radman1 radman1
I have made a demo or 8, dickhead. Sorry if you were confused about thet. How about you, "RAD MAN"? ;)
added on the 2004-10-20 00:28:04 by superplek superplek
That, it is ;)
added on the 2004-10-20 00:28:27 by superplek superplek
(No arguing with the dickhead *or* the narcissism -- hah)
added on the 2004-10-20 00:28:29 by radman1 radman1
I won't list my contributions. OK, you've missed or are intentionally missing the point. Sorry Niels.

Moving along...
added on the 2004-10-20 00:29:36 by radman1 radman1
Then why the HELL are you adding yourself as some kind of 'artist' to an encyclopedia? Have you gone out of your mind?
added on the 2004-10-20 00:29:50 by superplek superplek
Oh well, suck on it big-time or Stil is gonna kill me for being a bastard once again. Have fun with this, I love you all. Really.
added on the 2004-10-20 00:30:41 by superplek superplek
I will not argue why these articles should or should not exist, only bring to your attention that they do in fact exist. And I believe Wikipedia is better for having them:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Hajba (Skaven)


And the list goes on, and on, and on...

added on the 2004-10-20 00:40:19 by radman1 radman1
Paniq is an ARTIST indeed (talented one) and his entry is not a pile of narcissistic and laughable crap.
added on the 2004-10-20 00:44:54 by keops keops
There you go, American PIG :)
added on the 2004-10-20 00:46:51 by superplek superplek
skaven and purple motion can be considered legendary, unlike Radman :P

oh well, he can become a legendary ass...
added on the 2004-10-20 00:47:18 by el mal el mal
No no no.

Canadian Bacon.

That's the term.

He has to suck it :)
added on the 2004-10-20 00:51:52 by superplek superplek
You might be the only cool US-inhabitant after all SG ;)
added on the 2004-10-20 00:52:16 by superplek superplek
Oh, there are loads more.

They just don't feed trolls like I do (:

But, one thing I will say.
Coming to Europe and actually being more involved DOES help the perspective. I can see a lot more where the actions of the folks on the other side of the pond can be interpreted as ... well, American (:

And just in case anyone has forgotten:

Well don't forget you're speaking to one of the lords of Dutch BASS!

(now rockin' on the SL1200: Mr. Flagio - Take a chance)

Go :)
added on the 2004-10-20 01:03:01 by superplek superplek
Looks like most people who have posted here have never actually used wikipedia at all.

I'd have to mostly agree with Gargaj however. But unlike printed Encyclopedias, Wikipedia tends to be pretty much all encompassive in terms of material. An encyclopedia with the world's knowledge at your fingertips.

I think Rad Man has done a great job on this wiki, providing a wealth of demoscene-related entries.

And anyways, the ARTS rules! I'm eagerly waiting your next episode =) (Whatever happened to the 2 a month =P )
added on the 2004-10-20 01:08:37 by Nezbie Nezbie
I just used wikipedia for lining my virtual birdcage.
BB Image

the wiki ballet!
added on the 2004-10-20 01:18:20 by el mal el mal
Hehe. To quote or paraphrase the words of someone else, "I believe this thread has become sufficiently pouetized".

Yes, I knew this would happen, it's inevitable and somethings are just too easy to pass up. :-)

At the same time though, I know my caveat has reached the appropriate folks out there. So, mission accomplished.
added on the 2004-10-20 02:09:48 by radman1 radman1
sigh... never a thread is pouetized without a reason...
added on the 2004-10-20 02:18:53 by okkie okkie
Just show me one thread that has not been pouetized to some certain extent =)
added on the 2004-10-20 02:30:22 by Nezbie Nezbie
