it's a geek's life - episode 5
category: general [glöplog]
Some people destroyed the graffiti of a PC computer shop here in Thessaloniki and wrote 8bit rules and consoles in front of it ;)
(In the older times it also wrote CPC, C64, Spectrum, Amiga and other rulez but they or time wiped it ;)
8bit never dies, I wanted to say,. next to Sony ;)
Hehe! I have met the guy who wrote this,. he was not active in the Spectrum scene, but he was present on some of our CPC and generally 8bit greek meetings in Greece. it's funny to walk on the city and see something like Spectrum scene rules in the wall, instead of only football teams and political messages ;)
The label says "Pyjamas, Underwear - Demos" I think it must be Di(h)mos, a greek name, converted to English ;)
A well known new group in C64, not my favorite..
The emulator :)
Dedicated to one of the best greek demogroups ever? ;)
Not funny, but just reminded me a cute doomsday prod, it's the same pick and found it in Goody's, a greek MacDonald's style restoraunt :)