you know you're an amiga ascii fetishist when...
category: general [glöplog]

My own Poue:t thread.
I'm so proud.
I'm so proud.
In any case, that winamp skin is the most disfunctional one I've ever seen. I *think* I can make out the equalizer =P.
What commander/explorer are you using?
What commander/explorer are you using?
that looks like some total commander with topaz font installed!
go amiga go ...
go amiga go ...
Bass, Bass! Wir brauchen Bass! Was geht 'n, Alder? Bass, Bass! Wir brauchen Bass! Seid Ihr down?
Türlich, türlich! Sicher, Dicker! Türlich, türlich! Is' alles klar? Türlich, türlich! Sicher, Dicker! Türlich, türlich! Seid Ihr da?
Türlich, türlich! Sicher, Dicker! Türlich, türlich! Is' alles klar? Türlich, türlich! Sicher, Dicker! Türlich, türlich! Seid Ihr da?
Türlich, türlich! Sicher, Dicker! Türlich, türlich! Is' alles klar? Türlich, türlich! Sicher, Dicker! Türlich, türlich! Seid Ihr da?
Türlich, türlich! Sicher, Dicker! Türlich, türlich! Is' alles klar? Türlich, türlich! Sicher, Dicker! Türlich, türlich! Seid Ihr da?
Hiphop braucht kein mensch, aber mensch braucht hiphop.
oh and Truck - thanks for the promo :)
uhm, and where is the amiga ascii art in this? =)
irfanview \o/
if you think you got bass, think again - you ain't got shit
IrfanView! is so damn sexy, ultra clean and effiecient program without the fucktardiness bloat that all others seem to love.
<3 Topaz!
Ouch, what a Winamp skin, foobar2000 is much better anyways :)
<3 Topaz!
Ouch, what a Winamp skin, foobar2000 is much better anyways :)
IrfanView rules, period.
topaz rules.
but where's the ascii promised in topic?-)
but where's the ascii promised in topic?-)
It's in another directory on that HD. (:
By the way, that is ck's topaz, from ( ... I use the .bdf on all my aterm/Eterm sessions on BSD/osX/Gentoo as well. The other topaz, p0t-nOodle, b-strict and b-struct which you can't see here are from the truschool collection, which was done by hand by DMG. (
By the way, that is ck's topaz, from ( ... I use the .bdf on all my aterm/Eterm sessions on BSD/osX/Gentoo as well. The other topaz, p0t-nOodle, b-strict and b-struct which you can't see here are from the truschool collection, which was done by hand by DMG. (
What about this ancient 3D modeller / raytracer for Dos called Topaz 3d ? anyone remembers that ?