
Swastika avatar gif on Pouet...

category: residue [glöplog]
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added on the 2012-10-30 11:16:26 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
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added on the 2012-10-30 11:18:24 by ___ ___
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added on the 2012-10-30 11:20:28 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
as i nearly choked in swedish meatballs last night, i hereby request to have the swedish flag removed from the pouet avatars. the swedish cuisine is an insult to my wellbeing and that of others!
added on the 2012-10-30 11:48:23 by el mal el mal
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added on the 2012-10-30 11:52:24 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
@ Tjoppen & Knoeki - well you guys took your fucking time....
added on the 2012-10-30 11:53:07 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-10-30 12:34:46 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
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added on the 2012-10-30 20:10:42 by RbR RbR
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added on the 2012-10-30 20:22:46 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
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added on the 2012-10-30 20:30:11 by RbR RbR
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added on the 2012-10-30 20:33:21 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
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added on the 2012-10-30 21:17:43 by RbR RbR
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added on the 2012-10-30 21:21:42 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
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added on the 2012-10-30 21:44:38 by RbR RbR
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added on the 2012-10-30 21:47:20 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
I'll be the first to say that this thread has officially been Pouetised.
added on the 2012-10-30 22:08:31 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-10-30 22:36:14 by Korguiq Korguiq
i am honeorfd and humbeled that this thread made it to redisue, missong accomplished.
added on the 2012-10-30 22:41:31 by m0d m0d
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added on the 2012-10-31 01:11:20 by ___ ___
卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐 卍 卐

ban the unicode !
added on the 2012-10-31 13:41:12 by panic panic
I posted this in RTR earlier.
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I just thought it might be a good time to point out to MensaBoy that one of the 'fathers' of cryptanalysis was this guy.
JSYK Adok.
added on the 2012-11-20 05:08:55 by ringofyre ringofyre
I have just heard that Al-Kindi was also a supporter of Israel's right to self-defence.
added on the 2012-11-20 10:42:21 by Adok Adok
ringo: out of curiousity, what's the last non-residue (i.e. scene-relevant) thread you posted in?
added on the 2012-11-20 11:16:19 by Gargaj Gargaj
Hasn't happened.

You think I shouldn't be here?
(I'd love to say IM me but...)
added on the 2012-11-20 11:33:03 by ringofyre ringofyre
All of the above for Garg btw.
added on the 2012-11-20 11:33:41 by ringofyre ringofyre
