demoish android live wallpaper
category: residue [glöplog]
I made a live wallpaper but dont have the hardware to run it fast. Would anyone like to test it on their android phone? The requirement are a minimum version of 2.2 and opengl supported hardware. If anyone wants to try it I'll probably share it off dropbox or something.

oops picture link didn't work, here is attempt 2:

would be willing to test it on my galaxy nexus if you somehow made it available
what a beaut!
tried to make a developer account to upload a free app to google play but the google wallet isn't working so I couldn't create it. I've uploaded the apk file to mediafire instead:
so how much is the battery life with that? :)
i was able to get some ppl this morning to run it on their phones, it only get around 1 fps unfortunately. I'll have to scale down on the number of cubes and maybe defer the color calculations to a shader. right now its drawing a 20x20x20 grid of 8000 cubes. the desktop version with 8000 and the same method was running at 55 fps with no framerate limit:

crashes when i try to select "settings", works fine in default config, tho.
sgs2 with cm10/jb nightly build
sgs2 with cm10/jb nightly build
Crashes when I press "settings" on my LG-990 with ParanoidAndroid (CM9 based).
Yeah I have not programmed anything into the settings yet so i don't expect the settings to work. But are you guys also getting bad framerates? Ive seen it run on a galaxy nexus and it was only running at 1 fps pretty much, 8000 cubes is a bit too much for android i guess.
I have one cube at a good smooth framerate on a Toshiba AC100, OK, the shading's a bit flickery, but it seems to be on the right track...
P.S. thanks for the QR to somewhere other than the Play Store - can't access it on the Tosh :/
P.S. thanks for the QR to somewhere other than the Play Store - can't access it on the Tosh :/
Same thing as FunGas.
Tested on a Nexus One: shows a single grey textured smoothly rotating cube.