r.i.p. Psygnosis
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Sony Closes One of the Oldest Video Game Developers in the World
Luke Plunkett, Sony Liverpool, a studio with one of the longest and proudest track records in video game history, has been closed.
While this is sad news at the best of times, what makes this particularly devastating for the British industry (and older gamers) is the fact that Sony Liverpool, once known as Psygnosis, have been around for almost thirty years, and are responsible for publishing the original Lemmings, creating the WipeOut series and having some of the greatest box art in the history of the medium.
Sony told Kotaku in a statement:
As part of SCE Worldwide Studios, we do regular reviews to ensure that the resources we have can create and produce high quality, innovative and commercially viable projects in an increasingly competitive market place. As part of this process, we have reviewed and assessed all current and planned projects for the short and medium term and have decided to make some changes to our European Studios.
It has been decided that Liverpool Studio should be closed. Liverpool Studio has been an important part of SCE Worldwide Studios since the outset of PlayStation, and have contributed greatly to PlayStation over the years. Everyone connected with Liverpool Studio, past and present, can be very proud of their achievements.
However, it was felt that by focusing our investment plans on other Studios that are currently working on exciting new projects, we would be in a stronger position to offer the best possible content for our consumers.
Our Liverpool Facility will continue to operate, housing a number of other vital WWS!E and SCEE Departments.
This should not take anything away from the great work WWS are doing and the incredible games and services that we have made, and continue to make, both for this coming year and further in the future.
Sony Closes One of the Oldest Video Game Developers in the World
Luke Plunkett, Sony Liverpool, a studio with one of the longest and proudest track records in video game history, has been closed.
While this is sad news at the best of times, what makes this particularly devastating for the British industry (and older gamers) is the fact that Sony Liverpool, once known as Psygnosis, have been around for almost thirty years, and are responsible for publishing the original Lemmings, creating the WipeOut series and having some of the greatest box art in the history of the medium.
Sony told Kotaku in a statement:
As part of SCE Worldwide Studios, we do regular reviews to ensure that the resources we have can create and produce high quality, innovative and commercially viable projects in an increasingly competitive market place. As part of this process, we have reviewed and assessed all current and planned projects for the short and medium term and have decided to make some changes to our European Studios.
It has been decided that Liverpool Studio should be closed. Liverpool Studio has been an important part of SCE Worldwide Studios since the outset of PlayStation, and have contributed greatly to PlayStation over the years. Everyone connected with Liverpool Studio, past and present, can be very proud of their achievements.
However, it was felt that by focusing our investment plans on other Studios that are currently working on exciting new projects, we would be in a stronger position to offer the best possible content for our consumers.
Our Liverpool Facility will continue to operate, housing a number of other vital WWS!E and SCEE Departments.
This should not take anything away from the great work WWS are doing and the incredible games and services that we have made, and continue to make, both for this coming year and further in the future.
what a stupid death! (YASD)
Psygnosis should have minimum 3 Lives left. :(
Psygnosis should have minimum 3 Lives left. :(
I don't get why that doesn't include the Wipeout series' covers, Designers Republic did an amazing job with those. Roger Dean is still pretty cool too though. But in any case, RIP.

Blabla... Psygnosis really is dead since ages!
those old box art pictures bring back memories..
psygnosis as itself was closed or merged years ago. dunno what this is. :/
as others said, psygnosis ( destruction derby, formula one) is already dead sinces long time. wtf seriously ?

best covers ever

look at this guy's collection :)
cherri: let's not forget

I've also seen that collection before too, makes me quite jelly, especially the records.

I've also seen that collection before too, makes me quite jelly, especially the records.
actually, most wipeout covers are great :)
i'm jealous too.
i'm jealous too.
actually the games are great too. best racers of it's genre. ;)
killer loop? nah. :P
It has been decided that Liverpool Studio should be closed. Liverpool Studio has been an important part of SCE Worldwide Studios since the outset of PlayStation, and have contributed greatly to PlayStation over the years. Everyone connected with Liverpool Studio, past and present, can be very proud of their achievements.
I've seen this happen time and again.. "You created great products and earned the company money, but we're shutting you down. You should be proud".. What a load of crap..
Very sad indeed, they sure had some impact on the gaming industry as a whole in their golden days, but those were long ago. I hope all those talented people who worked there up until now will find a new place in the industry.
Some trivia: On the web people are sad that 'the makers of Shadow of the Beast closed down', BUT the game was actually created by Reflections, Psygnosis acted as the publisher.
(Of course there has been stuff going on behind the scenes that might have involved both companies as creators, but nothing I'd know about.) Reflections still exists today however, as part of Ubisoft! :)
Some trivia: On the web people are sad that 'the makers of Shadow of the Beast closed down', BUT the game was actually created by Reflections, Psygnosis acted as the publisher.
(Of course there has been stuff going on behind the scenes that might have involved both companies as creators, but nothing I'd know about.) Reflections still exists today however, as part of Ubisoft! :)
yeah, just act if nothing would have happened ;) if so: you suck!
Psygnosis is/was part of what made us up, getting demosceners and being what we are! ignore! :p lamers!
Psygnosis is/was part of what made us up, getting demosceners and being what we are! ignore! :p lamers!
Best thing ever to grace the PSone:

It went downhill right after that. Imho. Other than that; still kinda bad, that Psygnosis is no more. What about their Logo? Is it free to use now? :p

It went downhill right after that. Imho. Other than that; still kinda bad, that Psygnosis is no more. What about their Logo? Is it free to use now? :p
I only remember them for making Lemmings. :P
(Wikipedia says, they only published it, mhhmm.)
(Wikipedia says, they only published it, mhhmm.)
Lemmings was afaik developed by DMA Design. They later became rebranded a small studio called Rockstar Games :P