Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]

"Well. This awkward."

animate please. :D
What's this from?

Awesome ! :D
oh did someone notice the swastikas in the bg?!? :O

*snarf!* @ewerybody

Theres a "copypaste some face to every character of the picture" thing to do with the stoned looking guy on the right...oh and with the blond guy aswell too.
Google Images search for:

2 raised to 8

2 to the 8th power

2 to the power of 8



2 raised to 8

2 to the 8th power

2 to the power of 8



Aaay carumba! svo.

¡Buenas noches, Ringo!

¡Muy bien! svo.

OT: - any gimp mavens out there who can help me.
I'm trying to make an animated gif with the letters of my name. I've done it online

but I would rally like to be able to do it in gimp. I've got all the stable plugins - gap, fxfoundry etc.
Any ideas.
I'm trying to make an animated gif with the letters of my name. I've done it online

but I would rally like to be able to do it in gimp. I've got all the stable plugins - gap, fxfoundry etc.
Any ideas.

FYI, it say :
- the 63rd flight of Ariane 5 is a success
- This is the 49th successful flight in a row