Random gif animation thread
category: residue [glöplog]

hmm.. just posted already broken? you're doing it wrong ringo!

Subpixel scrolling.

^ flickers as hell, and is pure eyecancer.
^ interesting: if I zoom out in Firefox (cmd + "-") I get two layers of scrolling bars parallaxing.
Zoom out again and it flickers like hell.
Zoom out a third time and the bars go backwards. But I guess that might depend on monitor and scaling algorithm.
Zoom out again and it flickers like hell.
Zoom out a third time and the bars go backwards. But I guess that might depend on monitor and scaling algorithm.

@varjohukka: I highly recommend FF-addon Image Zoom can zoom images independently. Its fun to play around with the image that way..

ewerybody: Watched that yesterday, thought it was pretty awesome!
what did you watch?! I honestly don't know where that gif is from!^^

"Snow White and the Huntsman" jsyk. XD
ewerybody: did you that M. F. loves it ?
what? english motherfucker? do you speak it? :D

I was just at this neogaf thread about battlefront III... ^^ oh poor game nerds