Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
Ilmarque working on (core). MS-DOS edit.com

Unused logo for Quantum Disco Borthers, discussing details on IRC.

Playing with the software used in our Altparty 2009 installation

Tai Bao Capsule l-systems work in progress

Working on Byterapers' Renaissance MS-DOS demo

Playing around in our NES nametable editor (aptly named N.O.S.F.E). Graphics for an uncompleted demo

Uncompleted Atari ST demo

Unreleased NES graphics (Ilmarque, me, pahamoka)
Uncompleted Atari ST demo
Release it already!

working on some tune for CNCD in 1996
Was supposed to go to a GP2X demo, but wasn't used until Stercus Accidit: 

Visy: It's time to complete the ST demo! Hint, Sommarhack compo remote entry ;-)

ate bit's "ganymede" engine , done in 2008 and still not used in a demo.

WIP shot of my next demo.
I have started to make a 4k intro, which originally was planned for @party, but it seems the performance of my gpu is not enough to finish it. So I hope I will finish it for Function.
It based on IQ's 4k stuff, 4klang, and GNU Rocket, ofcorse.

It based on IQ's 4k stuff, 4klang, and GNU Rocket, ofcorse.

@Preacher: Thanks, great stuff!
I did 3(!) different music disk interfaces for my "music for underwater people" EP, released in 2005 (still available on archive.org). None of them released. This was the last one from ca. 2008, I think. Had some interesting features and presentation or so I like to think. ;)

Preacher's screenshot made me lose my pants.
rez: that looks great... :D
One of the first test images that L!T's MSX screen 2 viewer/converter could display:

awe yeah

Playing with quadtrees... Not suposed to look like that limp ninja demo.

tomaes: very nice, relaxing music! and the interface looks gorgeous! what about putting it on pouet with the interface?
Thanks. :) And you know what, I found the whole damn thing, including a long-ish info file, pretty much complete. There are some minor things that need fixing (which I can't do today), but I guess I'll release it. Maybe tomorrow. :D
A scene from a second iPod nano demo that was cancelled because of lack of ideas and quality:

some test 2D stuff running in a win32 testbed. now ported/uprating for a xbox1 demo.
sorry ^_^