Living at sceners in Finland
category: offtopic [glöplog]
It's a bit too visible that some people vote persut. ;) we're used to it.
who else has failed romantic relationships with a grand element of fuckedupness? tell me MORE STORIES!
This one time at TUM, Kebby wouldn't kiss me!
I think I'd go rather slow on handing out "fails" with your history :-D
Punq share winning with w00t so far.
Ahh to be young, in stalking with a pretty girl, drunk, broke & stuck on a boat to Finland again. With a fluffy toy...
will go there end of November with like 3000SEK saved and should give back that money truck lended me
protip: go to a demoparty in finland instead. Truck is also likely to be there.
i wierdly enough meet the girl randomly yesterday for 3minutes but i was so drunk i could not even talk
and she got a boyfriend now anyways
so, no girl for u?
nope forever alone but i had this awesome one night stand with this girl in Saarbrücken 2-3 weeks ago or whenever easter was so i will still live :>
@Maali no this girl was 19 so nope

Only just now read this epic story. Seriously bittin, WTF.
Are you sure the girl in Saarbrucken was a girl??
Are you sure the girl in Saarbrucken was a girl??
iam pretty sure as i meet her at the nightclub and not the demoparty place
one for the history books, right here
And there were no other males at the nightclub. Makes sense!
I wish I would wake up in a ferry on the way to Finland. At least I could go to Stream9.
At least, I didn't forget to come to InérciaDemoparty2005in2012, and that's already something.
At least, I didn't forget to come to InérciaDemoparty2005in2012, and that's already something.
on the matter of finland to sweden ferryboats and demomaking, there is this particularly awesome (and interactive) demo production you must experience atleast twice in your lifetime
maybe the saarbrücken nightclub was a girlshelter, the "one nightstand" was a rape - and he just mix up a few things OR it just never happened outside his mind.
one nightstand:

one nightstand:
9/10 would lol again
This thread really is the gift that just keeps giving.
So what, bittin's dating ponies on a cruise now?