Revision 2012
category: parties [glöplog]
Hmm? The crowd reaction was audible most of the time. I didn't watch all compos though. Also remember that you need more equipment and some more live switching/mixing to do this properly.
Rez! Please wear your special "Hi I am Rez" T-shirt!
I second that!

awesome :D
that's why I love the videos tmc^role makes at theUltimateMeeting
Once again... Hoffmann shows how a breaks-set should sound like! Big up!

Hoffmann rocks... not too much "utz" but skillfull played sets...
tomaes- Hmm, I hear the crowd a bit in the 64k compo now... at least during the quiet parts of the intros... so I'm sort of happy. :)
The streams are down? :(
Yes. The scenesat audio stream works though.
Awesome 64k compo!
Best 64kb compo in half a decade. Probably. Too bad I missed a bit because of the stream.

is this revision?
oh wait, that are lots of phone displays, that i mistook for computer screens, carry on.
yep here too, unfortunatly stream fall down :(
@vectory: Where is this image from? Looks awesome!

taking it out on viprinet is is pretty inappropriate and totally unnecessary imo.
I'm not taking it out on viprinet. :)
I'm not taking it out on anybody, actually! :D
I'm not taking it out on anybody, actually! :D
We aren't really responsible for the stream servers in denmark crashing all the time. Still: Sorry.
I wanna repeat, I'm not dissing anyone. I just remembered the photo used in your ads.
Thanks for everything. :)
Thanks for everything. :)
Well, I do feel dissed.
Sorry *hugs Scamp* <3 Lots of love!
Also, I admit, I should've cropped out the url, guess I was still in the stream fury so I didn't look at it, sorry again. Thanks for all the work in the past years. :)