My first demo, yeah!
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Finally, after 2 weeks making the framework (which i will use in my future projects), 1 month making the music (STILL work in progress) and another 1 week making the code i finally finished my first demo, witch i call "My First try" (well, actually it's a work in progress demo, so, it's just a "3 scenes which the last one is a loop" kind of demo...)
Download: (24.5 kb)
when i actually finish it i will put it in pouet
So, could you guys test it please? i need to know what i've done wrong and what i should put to make it better
Done with: Visual c++ 2010, Opengl and MiniFmod lib.
( DBF thread
Download: (24.5 kb)
when i actually finish it i will put it in pouet
So, could you guys test it please? i need to know what i've done wrong and what i should put to make it better
Done with: Visual c++ 2010, Opengl and MiniFmod lib.
( DBF thread
Yes, the DBF thread it's the samething as this one, it's because i am too lazy to write something new, Lol
Also, fucking antivirus, MiniFmod it's no virus, stop calling everything that has it a virus, aaaaaaaaaaaa
Also, fucking antivirus, MiniFmod it's no virus, stop calling everything that has it a virus, aaaaaaaaaaaa
why not submit it as a production in pouet? or is this like sneak preview?
Waffle: More like a *i don't know if it work in another computers and i don't know if it's epic enough to make trolls don't hate it as usual with other prods* release :/
Well, if it's on pouet anyways, just put it into the normal prod thingy. You can always change the file if you fix some problem. (Besides, many prods don't work at all on ati etc., it's not that bad)
Msqrt: It work in ati graphic cards, i don't use any shader in this prod (a DBF member told me that), also, i think i should add more parts, this is just a "beta" version of the real thing, i think next week i am releasing the full thing :D
it doesnt work here
Rowley Birkin: Why? Does it tells you there is a missing dll? Ati or Nvidia, Windows 95? More information please D:
it just doesn't do shit after i launch it. ati, wxp
Rowley Birkin: Windows XP? Oh well, i guess i found the problem, i only tested it in Windows 7 builds, i guess i have to make more tests :/
Try disabling your anti-virus, and downloading again, some anti-virus thinks they have the right to destroy your problem only because the contain the same code as a keygen program has ( MiniFmod library... )
Try disabling your anti-virus, and downloading again, some anti-virus thinks they have the right to destroy your problem only because the contain the same code as a keygen program has ( MiniFmod library... )
destroy your program*
Dammit keyboard.
Dammit keyboard.
there's no antivirus on this box :]
Rowley Birkin: Yeah, now i have to make a debug system to know whats going on with my demo in Windows XP :/
it seems to works here on laptop + intel gma 4500 MHD. however, i only get gray cubes on white background... is there any shader involved or is this normal behaviour ?. anyway i like it (really nice synth...)
Tigrou: Yeah, thats how the demo is supposed to run, try watching everything and you will find my logo in it (a sheep made with cubes)
Good to know you liked the music, i will release it soon :D
Good to know you liked the music, i will release it soon :D
there's no antivirus on this box :]
Oh. Snap.
works here on xp though.
havoc: do you have VS2010 runtime installed?
Gargaj: You are my hero, now i don't have to make a debug system! YEAH!
sheepy: you're welcome. that said, can you give us a list of DLL's you are linking to?
Gargaj: Actually i didn't use any dll in this demo, only the microsoft visual c++ 2010 one i don't know why, maybe it's a visual c++ default.
I Only used opengl (glext, wglext, glu and gl) and miniFmod
I Only used opengl (glext, wglext, glu and gl) and miniFmod
I'll take that as a "yes, I'm linking dynamically to the VS2010 runtime (MSVCP10.dll), I just don't know about it yet" :P
Worth a read: ;)
Gargaj: It's there a way to remove this linking? Since i am a Visual c++ noob i really don't know now to use it perfectly yet :/
In dev-c++ it was so simple, y u no update it bloodsheed (dev-c++ creators)?
In dev-c++ it was so simple, y u no update it bloodsheed (dev-c++ creators)?
Basically, open your uncompressed EXE in a hex-viewer and search for ".dll" - if you find something that's not Kernel32/User32/Msvcrt.dll, your intro is not guaranteed to run.