Albums you must hear before you die
category: music [glöplog]
@noby: thanks for that Ulrich Schnauss link.. I like... I guess Mrs. Jynx would be something you would enjoy as well..
Oh nice, thanks :), I'm familiar with a lot of Planet Mu artists but hadn't checkec out her.
Oh and for more similar idm/downtempo/ambient I have to recommend Freescha's first album, 'Kids Fill The Floor' (2001).

ROME - Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit
Fucking awesome 3-CD-Release.

Russian Circles - Empros

Astra - The Weirding

Maurizio - Maurizio
Jan Jelinek - Loop-finding-jazz-records

Kiln - Dusker

Vladislav Delay - Anima

LFO - Advance

Jan Jelinek - Loop-finding-jazz-records

Kiln - Dusker

Vladislav Delay - Anima

LFO - Advance

_ihat eyo u all: Great suggestions!

nirvana unplugged is perfect for sitting round the bonfire

more mainstream: 

more indie: 

i was here

Astra - The Black Chord

The Beatles' White Album and Gary Moore's Still got the Blues.