
rules for music track for pc demo for demoparties

category: parties [glöplog]
Hi there.

Thanks for your great input! I think this will not only help me, but possible some other loner out there trying to make a demo!

I still need some time, lets say three weeks, for the demo to become some kind of showable, in order to convince the musician of my demo. In three weeks, there are almost three weeks till tUM2011. Because it is my first demo, I can not say what will come in the 6-7 weeks till tUM2011.

>> I dont want to have someone wasted time because of me. <<

1) Is it possible put a request for a musician at that time before tUM2011?
2) Is it possible to request a genre of music, like some kind of minimal to new age?
added on the 2011-11-16 20:14:50 by makimaki makimaki
thec - It seems to my admittedly limited sight that, even though there are still a lot of musicians in the scene, there are proportionately fewer active musicians than there used to be 10-15 years ago. If there was a point where 'hell froze over' it would have happened several years ago, when it became much more popular for the general public/mainstream to look for new music online, and for musicians of all types to put their music online.

Nowadays, nerdy online music-making types have many possible outlets, and may well never even find the demo scene in the first place. Of course, this varies region by region and I'm sure I'll get replies from regions in which there are 100 times as many musicians as coders going LOL T-ZERO U R RONG ;)
added on the 2011-11-16 20:22:13 by t-zero t-zero
makimaki, the answers to both of your questions are 'yes'. I encourage you to contact scene-musicians as early as possible; I won't spam my email again but I know I'd be perfectly happy to "work to spec.," and there are lots of other scene musicians who make a lot of different types of music and who could follow a "can you make it kind of sound like this..."-type guideline. :)
added on the 2011-11-16 20:31:20 by t-zero t-zero
Of course, this varies region by region and I'm sure I'll get replies from regions in which there are 100 times as many musicians as coders going LOL T-ZERO U R RONG ;)

Dude, have you ever heard of Brainstorm? :D
added on the 2011-11-17 00:38:18 by okkie okkie
>> I dont want to have someone wasted time because of me. <<

well if the demo doesnt work out and the musician has invested the time to make a track he always has the choice to release it elsewhere (the music compo for example) or, if that isnt suitable, hoard it until the next possibility comes around or the demo is finished at a later time.
I also wouldnt be surprised if a musician has a project ready that is somewhere near where you want it to be and may require only slight modifications to match the pace of the code.
added on the 2011-11-17 00:50:01 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
okkie: You mean that music-group that sometimes puts out nice discmags? ;)
added on the 2011-11-17 00:50:07 by t-zero t-zero

go hang out on #modshrine (I am tired and don't remember the server, but somebody here may say it, or maybe you can find it internetting); they do hourlong fast compos because they are SIICK.

You need musics, you got musics.

And the music compos are gynormous at all the parties I've been to or sofascened in the EU, so tehre are def musicians out there who want an outlet.

go forth and demoify!

Wishing you best on your first prod.

go hang out on #modshrine (I am tired and don't remember the server

#mod_shrine on irc.esper.net.
or #scenesat on efnet, big amount of demoscene musician :)
added on the 2011-11-17 09:54:57 by rez rez
Well, it looks like makimaki and I may work together on this prod, so maybe you'll see the results at tUM :)
added on the 2011-11-17 14:43:15 by t-zero t-zero
i guess the point is, its pretty easy to get music for a demo from scene musicians, but it's pretty hard to get the music you want to a pro standard.. :)
(although im sure if a musician was looking for graphics and coding the same applies)
added on the 2011-11-17 14:56:45 by smash smash
its pretty easy to get music for a demo from scene musicians, but it's pretty hard to get the music you want to a pro standard.. :)

I wanted to say something like this, but I didn't want anyone to think that I was suggesting something about the quality of my own music.
added on the 2011-11-17 15:11:46 by t-zero t-zero
i make ambient dub music now.
added on the 2011-11-17 18:52:40 by rudi rudi
re smash

"i guess the point is, its pretty easy to get music for a demo from scene musicians, but it's pretty hard to get the music you want to a pro standard.. :) "

Do you mean musically pro or you mean well-produced?

I find myself wanting to set up a mini workshop on audio production at @party, partially because I want to attend it.

I <3 talks like these and maybe should hunt around for videos of some (I find myself thinking of a particular one on audio aliasing) . . .

Has anyone done a linkfarm on web resources related to audio production?

Videos, diskmag articles, etc.

I Googled some non-scene tutorials, but I don't know if they're any good.

p.s. thank you saga musix. I was about to keel over on my laptop at that time.

1) Is it possible put a request for a musician at that time before tUM2011?
2) Is it possible to request a genre of music, like some kind of minimal to new age?

here's your possible answer
added on the 2011-11-23 13:52:28 by Gargaj Gargaj
In any case, NEVER EVER make a demo without asking the musician for his/her authorization to use their music.

its somewhat funny how the scene changed in that respect in the recent years .... personally i'd either ask someone to make an exclusive track (preferred), or just take one of my favourite ones. _I_ find proper credits much much more important.
added on the 2011-11-23 14:12:17 by groepaz groepaz
makimaki: i think what's implicit in some answers to your question is that you should use ur 1st demo as an opportunity to form a group, unless your plan is to make 1 and only 1 demo. In doing this u'd kill 3 birds with 1 stone (demo), particularly if musician of your first demo is someone who's looking for a coder.
added on the 2011-11-23 14:37:29 by ulrick ulrick
i think what's implicit in some answers to your question is that you should use ur 1st demo as an opportunity to form a group

In fact, this has happened, and we are working on code and music for the 'firstie' right now :)
added on the 2011-11-24 05:25:43 by t-zero t-zero
