
it's a geek's life

category: residue [glöplog]
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added on the 2002-05-16 01:44:00 by phoenix phoenix
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added on the 2002-05-16 02:35:12 by sin sin
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added on the 2002-05-16 02:42:30 by sin sin
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added on the 2002-05-16 02:46:37 by sin sin
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added on the 2002-05-16 02:50:04 by sin sin
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added on the 2002-05-16 02:50:41 by sin sin
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added on the 2002-05-16 02:55:19 by sin sin
You know you are a geek when...

...you look at a movie trailer and think, "I have that typeface."
added on the 2002-05-16 02:57:51 by sin sin
You know you are a geek when...

...you paid $6000 for your computer and $500 for your car.
added on the 2002-05-16 03:00:26 by sin sin
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added on the 2002-05-16 03:10:07 by lai lai
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added on the 2002-05-16 04:36:50 by DW DW
there are 10 kind of men:

The one that understand binary, and the other.
added on the 2002-05-16 08:34:03 by alan alan
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added on the 2002-05-16 10:21:27 by willbe willbe
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added on the 2002-05-16 11:22:37 by willbe willbe
don't dare to stop posting things like this. :)
added on the 2002-05-16 11:34:00 by FooLman FooLman
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added on the 2002-05-16 13:54:49 by sin sin
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added on the 2002-05-16 13:56:50 by sin sin
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added on the 2002-05-16 14:59:39 by willbe willbe
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added on the 2002-05-16 15:09:08 by willbe willbe
so they finally started selling macaw's nuts, excellent
html tags? :)
Bill gets burned!
API - Time Magazine reports an interesting case of high-tech graffiti. It seems that a couple of Intel engineers working on the design of a recent version of the Pentium microprocessor included a message that describes their feelings about Bill Gates, president of Microsoft, a good corporate pal of Intel's.

When a portion of the Pentium chip is examined under a powerful scanning electron microscope, the phrase "bill sux" is clearly visible, etched into the surface of the chip.

The "flaw" in the chip was only discovered by accident well after the chip was released into the market, too late for Intel to prevent the chip from being used in the manufacture of tens of thousands of PCs.

Intel says that both engineers responsible were former employees of Motorola, makers of the chips that are the heart of the Apple Macintosh.

Both engineers have since been fired by Intel.

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Too bad that this pretty article is a hoax ;)
full story.
added on the 2002-05-16 18:18:03 by willbe willbe
ile : see the marvellous pouet.net's magical BB Code. Useful !
added on the 2002-05-16 18:26:26 by willbe willbe
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added on the 2002-05-16 18:48:49 by sin sin
