
wazup assholes?

category: residue [glöplog]
fuck fuck fuck
correct me if i'm wrong!
added on the 2011-09-11 22:03:44 by M77 M77
correct me if i'm wrong!

added on the 2011-09-11 22:06:27 by Gargaj Gargaj
all right finally it is over :D!
added on the 2011-09-11 22:52:26 by panic panic
I think I might miss Matt a little bit.
Oh! There we go... done.
added on the 2011-09-11 23:04:54 by ringofyre ringofyre
ok. and now?.... :D
added on the 2011-09-11 23:29:22 by yumeji yumeji
Hmm. Where's crosbow when you need him?
added on the 2011-09-12 00:41:22 by ringofyre ringofyre
Gargaj for president! \o/
added on the 2011-09-12 10:58:20 by xTr1m xTr1m
added on the 2011-09-12 11:34:14 by las las
what xtr1m said!
added on the 2011-09-12 21:23:52 by baah baah
i repeat: fuck fuck fuck
btw i have almost unlimited amount of IP and mailboxes
added on the 2011-10-07 00:05:21 by MM MM
you're gonna need them.
added on the 2011-10-07 00:14:47 by Gargaj Gargaj
Haven't seen the hammer wielded quite so quickly here before, cheers Gargaj.
added on the 2011-10-07 00:19:52 by ringofyre ringofyre
Good job.
added on the 2011-10-07 11:28:13 by las las
Thanks Gargaj! :)
added on the 2011-10-07 16:47:34 by baah baah
now... what about that ringofyre dude? :P
added on the 2011-10-07 17:07:06 by el mal el mal
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrLkTZrPZA4&ob=av2e Brothers and .. brothers, let us celebrate this peace time with this anthem..
added on the 2011-10-07 21:18:55 by leGend leGend
Code: Unfortunately, this video is not available in Germany because it may contain music for which GEMA has not granted the respective music rights. Sorry about that.

added on the 2011-10-07 21:25:08 by las las
What the

fuck fuck fuck

was wrong with him ?
added on the 2011-10-07 22:01:25 by Korguiq Korguiq
effin 'ell, peace mission failed
added on the 2011-10-07 22:05:00 by leGend leGend
i am M77
and i repeat: fuck fuck fuck
and i don't feel sorry for i'm not original
don't fuck with me
and don't fuck with Lady Gaga
or i will fuck with u not the way u like it
and i repeat: fuck fuck fuck
added on the 2011-10-08 03:35:53 by hmm hmm
bring it.
added on the 2011-10-08 03:50:15 by Gargaj Gargaj
ohh my. that dude is a bad pest of attention whore.

if he'd really really do something... but... :/ ... poor
added on the 2011-10-08 04:21:57 by yumeji yumeji
Nothing if not persistent. Garg there's a cold beer waiting for you in the fridge here if you ever end up this way. Just for being so fast.

added on the 2011-10-07 00:05:21 by MM
added on the 2011-10-07 00:14:47 by Gargaj

added on the 2011-10-08 03:35:53 by hmm
added on the 2011-10-08 03:50:15 by Gargaj

10-15 min. turnaround in the middle of the night - well played sir.
added on the 2011-10-08 05:06:16 by ringofyre ringofyre
never fear i am here
i am an attention whore
here i spam again
with a smile on my beautiful face
fuck the fucking Gargaj
for his fucking and lame (G) nick
for his fucking attitude
he uses "." in 2 words messages
i jerked about half of an hour back
i no longer follow @ladygaga on twitter
for i was not totally satisfied with out last sex
but during that sex i've made my personal record by amount of the sperm from 1 time
that was the only our sex without an oral part
not gonna miss her much
but she did it the best
i have many to compare
added on the 2011-10-09 06:07:48 by mrukula mrukula
Persistent little fellow isn't he.

Your onanism over Lady Gaga
made me go "Haha"
But the more you post, I betcha
As your input seems to go nowhere
You'll wail & moan & cry "No Fair"
But. Guaranteed. Gargaj'll get ya.
added on the 2011-10-09 06:50:58 by ringofyre ringofyre
