POUET ALPHABET [yes, we're THAT bored]
category: residue [glöplog]
P is for poo
Q is for q-dor.. where the fuck is he?
R is for Ritual Hazing of Newbies.
S is for sampling, because that's what scene musicians as well as timbaland love to do.
S is Scheisse. Say it loud.
T for trackers. Especially for SID trackers :]]
U is for UNIX. It's not Linux!
V is for Vindóz hét
W is for Würst, because everybody likes Würst!
X is for duplicate letters, becauese sceners are to 1337 to read the previous posts. :P
Y is for Y-axis
Z is for Zemanova, because every scener has a secret nerdy past
A is for Ambient Occlusion, because it's oh-so-pretty.
B is for BITS. They welcome you.
C is for cmp because sometimes you have to.
D is for diskette, your favorite removable data storage medium.
E is for Expanded Memory Specification (EMS), with (or without) a lot of DOS demos just don't work.
F is for FPU and its commands.
G is for GOTO because it's evil to use them!
H is for Hatetros.
I is for invitation
J is for Jump. Because a goto can't be evil in assembler.
7 is for the most random number ever.
K is for Kkowboy, not to be confused with Woody.