
Demo'ish videos

category: offtopic [glöplog]
possibly the oldest demo ever made!
added on the 2011-09-05 08:16:37 by nebadon nebadon
wow, Complication is a very beautiful song
added on the 2011-09-08 22:56:15 by M77 M77
Must be a relative of Archee who did this:

LOL! Best thing I've seen all year.
added on the 2011-09-10 11:07:55 by tFt tFt
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyJfHU4GoOQ]Autechre - Gantz Graf[/ur]
added on the 2011-09-11 18:11:26 by stfsux stfsux
added on the 2011-09-11 18:11:53 by stfsux stfsux
Does Navis like Whiskey? ;)
Jack Daniels
added on the 2011-09-11 23:44:09 by Punqtured Punqtured
added on the 2011-09-12 01:33:44 by bdk bdk
Pendulum Waves: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVkdfJ9PkRQ
Various sexy related vids in the suggestions too
added on the 2011-09-19 12:37:03 by prodigy prodigy
pista said:
Plastic guys were involved in this http://vimeo.com/11234186 i miss Plastic from the scene
added on the 2011-09-19 22:11:14 by baah baah
Sesame Street: Drum Machine Pattern
added on the 2011-09-20 23:32:55 by Salinga Salinga
OK, these videos are not really demo'ish from the visual point of view, but the music surely is. Compared to these heavy dubstep rhythms, Kaktusen's soundtrack for "We crave sustenance" is feeling like a kindergeburtstag.

Rednek - I'm Not Skrillex
Noisia - Machine Gun
Excision, Downlink - Reploid (Document One Remix)
added on the 2011-09-28 21:16:22 by Bobic Bobic
more like.. game'ish, but still ;)
added on the 2011-10-05 17:27:58 by el mal el mal
http://vimeo.com/24610753 - just cool shit. reminds me of melon ;)
added on the 2011-10-05 17:36:19 by el mal el mal
baah - that Ibidem video is really awesome. Could be made real time though ...
