a little about pouet.net and the demoscene news
category: offtopic [glöplog]
i pressed the backspace button without thinking. now i wrote a long intro thread, and fuck, its gone. what i was going to ask if there where any other sites that post demoscene news except for pouet. and it seems to me like pouet.net is the central portal for demoscene-activity and production releases on the net and that there is no other one.
pouet.net has been my main focus for the past 10 years. so my question is if i have been missing any other good site (or if there's one now im missing) with current news. scene.org was my focus before pouet.net came and nowadays it only gives headline news each second month, with almost no activity except for a new poll now and then. and of course its main thing today is to be a server i guess. anyway, back to pouet: i miss some kind of link page with lots of coding/msx/gfx based sites that is up to date that one could follow too. the pouet.net headline news with its blue background and text doesnt give me the impression that it gives a kind of "look here is the news" kind of feeling. maybe it doesnt matter and im being kind of egoistic about it, or to lazy to actually read it, but it just was something i wanted to mention if anyone has the same impression. and also isnt the pouet design starting to get old or has been old for a very long time. i know the developers might say we dont have time nor motivation to do any changes or design updates, and that's a good excuse for not doing anything about it. take my words here with a grain of salt. i know the design is short and clean and to the point as it is, which is good, but i kind of miss something that is fresh. well, anyway enough blabbering about this. i also also want to come with some of my idiotic thoughts about my boredom of not being able to appreciate all the stuff that is released on here anymore. but also i would like to thank the very few good threads that are popping up very rarely that contains some valuable reading and information by some cool people here.
pouet.net has been my main focus for the past 10 years. so my question is if i have been missing any other good site (or if there's one now im missing) with current news. scene.org was my focus before pouet.net came and nowadays it only gives headline news each second month, with almost no activity except for a new poll now and then. and of course its main thing today is to be a server i guess. anyway, back to pouet: i miss some kind of link page with lots of coding/msx/gfx based sites that is up to date that one could follow too. the pouet.net headline news with its blue background and text doesnt give me the impression that it gives a kind of "look here is the news" kind of feeling. maybe it doesnt matter and im being kind of egoistic about it, or to lazy to actually read it, but it just was something i wanted to mention if anyone has the same impression. and also isnt the pouet design starting to get old or has been old for a very long time. i know the developers might say we dont have time nor motivation to do any changes or design updates, and that's a good excuse for not doing anything about it. take my words here with a grain of salt. i know the design is short and clean and to the point as it is, which is good, but i kind of miss something that is fresh. well, anyway enough blabbering about this. i also also want to come with some of my idiotic thoughts about my boredom of not being able to appreciate all the stuff that is released on here anymore. but also i would like to thank the very few good threads that are popping up very rarely that contains some valuable reading and information by some cool people here.
ps: yea, you're right, but the articles there are all in german :( and there doesnt seem to be much news there than here. i like the bitfellas design though, it looks fresher than this.
no they're not
in fact the news in pouet are syndicate from bitfellas for quite a few years now.
hm, maybe i haven't been looking close enough at the bitfellas site then. i'll definitively check it more out. thanks.
I honestly hope that's not the case.pouet.net has been my main focus for the past 10 years
gloom: depends on how you interpret that line. honestly, there has been no other site to follow demoscene news on and community. so yes its been the one ive visited, sadly enough.
the demoscene monopoly will now slowly move from pouet to scenepoints!
suggestion: hang out on IRC. I'm sure folks can suggest some channels.
I come here to check on party threads, post about @party, and post or watch prods. That's about it.
I come here to check on party threads, post about @party, and post or watch prods. That's about it.
metoikos: no, thats out of the question. some irc-channels have the ability to be to anarchistic in their views. finding a good reason to ask for the headlines would be a waste of time.
#breakpoint and #revision are p. good irc channels with lots of dudes on them.
on ircnet ofcourse, because ircnet rules, efnet DROOOLS!
I dream of a real demoscene TV with okkie as a main entertainer.
With DAILY informations on who's TRENDING, who's COLLECTING SCENEPOINTS.
And everyday, at midnight, your daily NIGHTBACON SESSION.
Dude, we're on to something.
With DAILY informations on who's TRENDING, who's COLLECTING SCENEPOINTS.
And everyday, at midnight, your daily NIGHTBACON SESSION.
Dude, we're on to something.
what is that @SCENEPOINTS@ ? :D
Hey, do you guys think zombies have near-life experiences?
Do headcrabs have a quarter-life experience? Is Gordon Freeman really a free man?
This is now the official random thread.
with lots of dudes on them
Dudes, I herd u liek dem.
Do you still need to log in to actually see shit?
their forums yes, the news no