Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]
Fuckings to the cabbie beeping out the front @ 0200 who woke me!
Soccer this AM, theen some cleaning and a snooze this arvo I think...
Hey I think I just twitterized pouet! ;-)
Hey I think I just twitterized pouet! ;-)
Contortion tennis- it's extreme mother-fucker!
Apparently the 476 to Tottenham was running a bit late!
And now for something completely different...
It's beer o'clock in the Fyrey abode.
svo: The set of 2001 - Space Odyssey?
Particle accelerator?
Actually it looks like the nacelle of the Enercon E126.
@elend: well spotted!
Yaaaay. Best movie ever.