
Guns, world view etc.

category: general [glöplog]
regions of the world that don't have the possiblity to grow enough food itself

can you name any?

Japan. They need to import ~60% of their food. Having said that, the Japanese aren't exactly starving.
well, but you know what i mean, because you are not a retard, are you?
Someone counters your argument (very well imo) & all you can do is try to belittle them by querying whether they are retarded or not?
Clever boy!
added on the 2011-07-27 12:57:39 by ringofyre ringofyre
Hah, I'm glad to notice we have so much people who are skilled in the art of debating :)
added on the 2011-07-27 13:25:18 by numtek numtek
trapped in a corner is a desperate place to be.
added on the 2011-07-27 13:31:04 by Gargaj Gargaj
ringo, what do you want here anyways? go back to your filthy shit threads.

as you probably know (well obviously you don't seem to) japan is one of the biggest export nations, so they have the possibilty to import food. but that's not what we are talking about.
Garg, I think cros starts painting every room from the centre outwards & usually does the corner opposite the door last.
added on the 2011-07-27 14:01:07 by ringofyre ringofyre
what's your problem? don't you have any friends maybe, because your a sicko?
see, this is why we can't have nice things.
added on the 2011-07-27 14:36:19 by Gargaj Gargaj
Was there a CSS file somewhere that allowed filtering users from pouet? Quite a few people have proven themselves worthy here and on the norway thread :)
added on the 2011-07-27 14:38:16 by psonice psonice
i can make a (or a million) new account mr. superwise.
i can make a (or a million) new account mr. superwise.

& each & every time you get them linked to your account you twit.
Fucking mung-bean.
added on the 2011-07-27 15:05:57 by ringofyre ringofyre
what do you want, criminal satan? go back to your hell dwell.
i can make a (or a million) new account mr. superwise.

...and now you'll have to.
added on the 2011-07-27 15:23:37 by Gargaj Gargaj
I never thought I'd say this.
pouet administrator is winning. Yay.
added on the 2011-07-27 15:26:11 by ringofyre ringofyre
lol :D

saga: thanks, that's the one. 3 on the list so far, and it's already a more pleasant read. Had to turn it off to post this though, the whole thread disappeared ;)
added on the 2011-07-27 15:28:15 by psonice psonice
ringofyre: go watch more demos.
added on the 2011-07-27 15:37:18 by Gargaj Gargaj
well if 4chan idiots are more welcome here, im ok with this
"That which belongs together, grows together"
added on the 2011-07-27 15:43:47 by dingopyre dingopyre
they're not, that's why i just banned you.
added on the 2011-07-27 15:45:15 by Gargaj Gargaj
lugobeer: I quoted what was written in SvD
shoot them all and let god sort them out
added on the 2011-07-28 16:41:06 by raor raor
But wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where we could only stab, spear or club each other to death (or maybe even talk)? Rather than living in a world where the only thing that stops you dealing with a confrontation is the fact that several people around you may be armed with a gun & you are afraid of you & your family being shot?

I would prefer none of those things. I am for peaceful VOLUNTARY interaction between people. No shooting stabbing, clubbing flaying or anything other meanspirited if I can avoid it.

Now, meanwhile back in reality, thats not how a large group of people work. And I would rather approach them with policy making and behaviour that actually adresses their behaviour, rather than pretend I am in la la land where things will sort themself out and cops come when you need them (and not merely to take your name to give your family as the ambulance operators are scooping you into a bucket).

I too wish the world was a better place...but it isnt, and it wont be for as long as our policies are a game of 'lets pretend'.

Another similar pretend game is the drug pretend game. Lets pretend the kids drug use are not rampant, on the rise and that drugs are cheaper, more potent and more available and more socially acceptable than ever before...lets continue our war on drugs based on flimsy ideals and symbolic value rather than reality. let's fix whats broken.
added on the 2011-07-29 08:36:33 by NoahR NoahR
According to this:
88.8 guns per 100 people in the US, and 30.8 guns per 100 people in Canada. Almost one third is not quite what I'd call "nearly as many".

Thom. Ok, Lets take a look at Switzerland instead. No problem. From your own link.

The ownership rate reported is the average estimate taken from "Annexe 4: The largest civilian firearms arsenals for 178 countries. That table gives also the minimum and maximum estimates. Note that for some countries, this margin of error is considerable. E.g. Yemen, ranked second with an ownership rate of 54.8, has a low estimate of 28.6 and a high estimate of 81.1. While the United States is ranked for the highest gun ownership rate unambiguously, Yemen based on the margin of error may rank anywhere between 2nd and 18th, Switzerland anywhere between 2nd and 16th.

But what is far more interresting and what was really my point was how are the guns used by the population. You will notice that if we look at homicide instead of pieces per person, then nations that have almost draconian gun ownership laws rank very very high, in gun violence, whereas a nation like switzerland in which you find highpowered army weapons in a large amount of homes does not. I will look forward for your googlefu out of this one.

added on the 2011-07-29 08:50:49 by NoahR NoahR
