Solskogen 2011 - The Suntouchables
category: parties [glöplog]
the shadowparty was great too. never saw that many BITS demos on a row!
thanks lugo!
second that, great portraits there thec!
Thanks to everyone in the orga crew for a great party, especially lug00bear for some helpful pointers :).
elfan: what? did I give advise on something useful? :V
oh.. and btw, the picture book? BEST PRIZE EVAR, I'm seriously going to treasure that and keep it on my shelf until I'm old and decrepit :)
plaf, some would say that it's time to bin it already :D
My soundtracks for Solskogen productions as mp3, from the usual place:
heh, sesse, no pictures of the "magnus gets his shit thrown off stage" compo?
lugo: Yeah, well, you did points out the (rather obvious, but still ;)) flaws of my sound mixing :).
plaf: Thanks, that means a lot!
Gargaj: none of us could ever find the votebox for that compo.. ;)
too many entries, sorry :/
Late but . . . this was well worth traveling every one of those several thousand miles.
I volunteer for the Streaming Music Preselection jury next year ;)
Thank you for a really smooth party with great atmosphere! Generally I really enjoyed how everything ran a lot smoother this year.
metoikos: SO glad you and Mike came :) Was awesome to clump with some Americans (including Truck; always a pleasure!!) for a change. Hope to see you guys again soon :D
Massive thanks to this bunch + Sesse (photographer) !

From left to right: Irvin, Concrete (sitting), Dozer, Gloom, Lug00ber, Menace, Fiol
From left to right: Irvin, Concrete (sitting), Dozer, Gloom, Lug00ber, Menace, Fiol
puryx: please don't use the phrase 'ran a lot smoother', it makes me think of the poopoo.
nerve: You forgot Gargaj. :-)
Sesse: Oj da! That won't do. So, more thanks go to:

and then there is

(All pictures by Sesse except the one of Sesse, clumsily taken by me, using his camera)
and then there is
(All pictures by Sesse except the one of Sesse, clumsily taken by me, using his camera)
Sesse, would you mind some of your pictures ending up on slengpung?