Random danes going to solskogen 2011 thread
category: parties [glöplog]
Bøs'karle, så kan I godt komme frisk, vi skal afsted på tur endnu en gang, denne gang til det skønne Norge vi efterhånden kender så godt, læs derfor på pylles side og fortæl om du vil med og om du vil lægge bil til.
I'm thinking of going, and have jenni with me, but we would really need to fill up the car.. if someone's interested, gimme a line.
tell her PANTS OFF!
im trying to arrange some care for my marsvin at the øjeblik!
I'm filling up a car-load of Fnuque'ers to join you all at the wonderful Solskogen. But hey, Nic0! You NEED to go - otherwise, you won't get your money until TRSAC and that'd be quite stupid since those retards haven't changed to universal currency quite yet :-p
doing my best superpung, but otherwise you can just give them to FarFar!
yes, give me the, er.. nic0's money
I better be wearing a skirt so no pants off! Not sure if Cisco will be joining the trip as well... otherwise it'd be nice to have fellow sceners in the car. But that's up to thec to decide, I was just hired to cook and clean the house during the summer (so he'll have time to actually MAKE A DEMO!) :)
cool =) yeah bring cisco, for sure!
Yeah, Cisco needs to be there. I'll bring a football and treats for him :D
Excuse me, I believe the topic here was "Random DANES going to Solskogen" not "Random DOGS going to Solskogen".
your mother calls me a great dane!
on another note, Cisco is a nice dog and probably has a higher party attendance rate than me :)
I'm definitely going, but not sure if it will be be plane, own car (I think it's a bit long for that) or something else yet.. I guess we're a least a couple more than the Fnuques from copenhagen.
Thec, which way are you going? maybe we could meet up somewhere on the west coast if you have spare room in the car?
Thec, which way are you going? maybe we could meet up somewhere on the west coast if you have spare room in the car?
You could ride bitch?
... with Cisco?
... with Cisco?
![BB Image](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/247354_117267655028001_100002343006326_166428_2635602_n.jpg)
<puppyeyes>"Can I come to Solskogen too?"</puppyeyes>
Who can say no to Cisco? :~))
Random Dane going to solskogen
![BB Image](http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/269699_10150227886197050_547037049_7926048_5356730_n.jpg)
![BB Image](http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/269699_10150227886197050_547037049_7926048_5356730_n.jpg)
What the hell .. bastard .. or .. FLÆSKUNGE!
.. oh and it seems we might have a free spot in the car from Århus (no, not aarhus) .. so if any of the regulars need a carspace, let us know .. we MIGHT have a taker, but not sure about it yet.
.. oh and it seems we might have a free spot in the car from Århus (no, not aarhus) .. so if any of the regulars need a carspace, let us know .. we MIGHT have a taker, but not sure about it yet.
Hva' f... Hvem er hoppet fra?
This thread needs more pictures.
casper, jeg skal ikke med.
Jeg tager med Heine
Pokkers, du mangler lige at indsætte et komma hr. rasmus, så havde vi fyldt bilen, men okay, hvor skal du og heine hen?