Outline 2011
category: parties [glöplog]
Uh... I typed some mumbojumbo in the last sentence but I hope you got the jist :)
The negative stuff I noticed during Outline this year, is something that happens at a lot of parties from time to time, server breakdown, delayed food, timetable not followed... shit happens, it's not the end of the world, as a contender the last 3 years, this was (not by far but almost) the best outline i've been to. So hats off to all.
I've taken my time to answered the negative stuff, from my point of view.
why isn't it working << shit happens
why aren't the slides up yet << alright, kind of a problem
why can't I upload my entry << make use of the delayed deadline will ya?
why is the hapcar not on time << not even wanna answer this one, go eat some noodles ffs.
why are you running atari demo's in an emulator << it's easier - still the same demo
why can't we use the mains of the building << why should we, exellent room for the amount of people.
why are you late << get a grip and relax
why is there a hum in the installation << go ask an electrician?
why is the music still loud at 0:00 ? << IT'S A FUCKIN PARTY!
why are the deadlines not met? << they never are at every other party anyway
I've taken my time to answered the negative stuff, from my point of view.
why isn't it working << shit happens
why aren't the slides up yet << alright, kind of a problem
why can't I upload my entry << make use of the delayed deadline will ya?
why is the hapcar not on time << not even wanna answer this one, go eat some noodles ffs.
why are you running atari demo's in an emulator << it's easier - still the same demo
why can't we use the mains of the building << why should we, exellent room for the amount of people.
why are you late << get a grip and relax
why is there a hum in the installation << go ask an electrician?
why is the music still loud at 0:00 ? << IT'S A FUCKIN PARTY!
why are the deadlines not met? << they never are at every other party anyway
i've talked with d-force in private, all i'm gonna say here about that is that we have no serious disagreements and we are still very busy atm working out exactly how outline will continue in the future (because this is clearly our intention, even if our roles are likely to change in the near future).
we are actively looking at how to involve more people in various aspects of the party. anyone who is willing to help is hereby invited to approach me in private, so we can work out a modus operandi that suits both sides :)
we are actively looking at how to involve more people in various aspects of the party. anyone who is willing to help is hereby invited to approach me in private, so we can work out a modus operandi that suits both sides :)
why is the music still loud at 0:00 ? << IT'S A FUCKIN PARTY!
Dwarf: Could not agree more! I was not at Outline this year unfortunately, but this question seem to be repetitive for any party. Fuck; at 0:00 the party has barely begun!
The same goes for: "why do you play so fucking loud in the compo?"
Come to Solskogen. They play LOUD from early to early!
And I for one; LOVE IT! :)
Guys before you get carried away with the loud music issue, there seems to be a misunderstanding in the perspective.
Outline's location means music has to be turned down (not off) due to the campsite next door. The people who were badgering about 'why is the audio still loud after xx:xx (it wasn't exactly 00:00 btw)' were Outline organisers, not party visitors.
It's unclear enough so much to say that the point is moot and that it was just the /complaint/ i.e pressure of having someone throwing more negative criticism at d-force than he could really handle.
Outline's location means music has to be turned down (not off) due to the campsite next door. The people who were badgering about 'why is the audio still loud after xx:xx (it wasn't exactly 00:00 btw)' were Outline organisers, not party visitors.
It's unclear enough so much to say that the point is moot and that it was just the /complaint/ i.e pressure of having someone throwing more negative criticism at d-force than he could really handle.
Guys before you get carried away with the loud music issue, there seems to be a misunderstanding in the perspective.
Outline's location means music has to be turned down (not off) due to the campsite next door. The people who were badgering about 'why is the audio still loud after xx:xx (it wasn't exactly 00:00 btw)' were Outline organisers, not party visitors.
It's unclear enough so much to say that the point is moot and that it was just the /complaint/ i.e pressure of having someone throwing more negative criticism at d-force than he could really handle.
Outline's location means music has to be turned down (not off) due to the campsite next door. The people who were badgering about 'why is the audio still loud after xx:xx (it wasn't exactly 00:00 btw)' were Outline organisers, not party visitors.
It's unclear enough so much to say that the point is moot and that it was just the /complaint/ i.e pressure of having someone throwing more negative criticism at d-force than he could really handle.
ppl should stop complaining and enjoy the party instead, because it was a great demoparty !

Most of the organisers and some of the remaining visitors to Outline 2011 :D
Organisers should regard all input as suggestions that could've improved the awesomeness of the party. Not take it as a personal attack... We all come to party
m0d, that can't be from the last day of Outline, as it was pouring down..
.. well, 'twas early in the morning when we left :)
.. well, 'twas early in the morning when we left :)
@bstrr Ahahahahaha! Outline weather strikes again!
i think that was around 2 or 3 in the afternoon :)
d-force, thanks a lot again for being so patient with me and my crappy DVS hardware! you really did a great job with that and everything else!
I like the fact that there is a camp site five yards away, and a herd of alpacas ten yards away ... and that it's possible to have a demo party co-existing with both. I don't know, because I didn't ask - but it didn't seem to me that anybody complained about us.
I also kinda like that the volume gets turned down, because a) it shows that we aren't inconsiderate and b) it doesn't matter, we still have a hell of a time - it's loud enough (at least inside!) - Maybe Outline is not so loud as Solskogen and Kindergarden ... maybe it's more laid back, but that's what makes Outline the party that it is, and that's what we love about it.
and er.. the bleading ears are what make Kindergarden so special. Hi lug00ber :)
I also kinda like that the volume gets turned down, because a) it shows that we aren't inconsiderate and b) it doesn't matter, we still have a hell of a time - it's loud enough (at least inside!) - Maybe Outline is not so loud as Solskogen and Kindergarden ... maybe it's more laid back, but that's what makes Outline the party that it is, and that's what we love about it.
and er.. the bleading ears are what make Kindergarden so special. Hi lug00ber :)
If I look back to the party, I am seeing two or three people (D-Force, The Match & mOd) providing and caring about all the technical stuff & compo issues througout the party. It's obvious, that the compo/technical team is understaffed considering the varity of compos, platforms and all the technical issues to solve. Saying that, it's even more respectable how flawless you carried out these things alone and I fully understand your exhaustion.
When I was around D-Force's place for some minutes I saw how many things were put on his desk at once (everyone asking different things all the time, including me). As a suggestion for the next year, I think separate "party info" and "compo preparation" spots (e.g. in a backroom) could help to save the compo team from all the nagging and distraction.
For the feedback, it's a bit of a balancing act. I had a great time and told you about it (see email to havoc), but personally I also don't like the use of Atari emulators at Atari compos (in many cases it's not the same demo as on the real machine) and felt like saying this as well. You can do whatever you like with this, but for sure it is not meant to pull you or anyone else down by any means.
And again, what bob said!
When I was around D-Force's place for some minutes I saw how many things were put on his desk at once (everyone asking different things all the time, including me). As a suggestion for the next year, I think separate "party info" and "compo preparation" spots (e.g. in a backroom) could help to save the compo team from all the nagging and distraction.
For the feedback, it's a bit of a balancing act. I had a great time and told you about it (see email to havoc), but personally I also don't like the use of Atari emulators at Atari compos (in many cases it's not the same demo as on the real machine) and felt like saying this as well. You can do whatever you like with this, but for sure it is not meant to pull you or anyone else down by any means.
And again, what bob said!

ile, why aren't you sleeping at 2 or 3 pm, weren't you babysitting nic0 all night? ..
... and who's the fag in the pink shirt just wanting to be different?
As a simple visitor (and performing bedroom DJ) I had a great time. At least I didn't notice any hickups. To me it seemed everything went smoothly. And even if things went not exactly as planned, so be it. It's a party, organized by lovers, not professionals, so don't expect everything to be perfect. This makes the party so laid back and cool.
D-Force, my compliments to you and the rest of the team because I've no complaints at all. It was just a great party!
D-Force, my compliments to you and the rest of the team because I've no complaints at all. It was just a great party!
Rant incoming: im one of the most impatient, inconsiderate and angry old bastards you can ever find.
And I didn't find one single point of criticism for the outline organizers that I could speak out about and not consider myself too old for this shit. Maybe someone could learn from my example? shut up or make a demo about it - or perhaps volunteer for the next outlineparty?
you could also go to TRSAC and tell us in advance that your royal chariot will be arriving at noon dragged by five unicorns. We will welcome you with totally precise deadlines, a party system that is running all the time and YOU get to choose from all the demos in our demolibrary, as well as turn up and down the music at will (and choose it of course). no, not really, its not exactly gonna pan out like that.
We support Outline and there isnt ONE trsac organizer (if there is, you will die in a large fondue cauldron next time we meet up) who would want you to change anything, apart from maybe adding more alpacas to the herd out front.
And I didn't find one single point of criticism for the outline organizers that I could speak out about and not consider myself too old for this shit. Maybe someone could learn from my example? shut up or make a demo about it - or perhaps volunteer for the next outlineparty?
you could also go to TRSAC and tell us in advance that your royal chariot will be arriving at noon dragged by five unicorns. We will welcome you with totally precise deadlines, a party system that is running all the time and YOU get to choose from all the demos in our demolibrary, as well as turn up and down the music at will (and choose it of course). no, not really, its not exactly gonna pan out like that.
We support Outline and there isnt ONE trsac organizer (if there is, you will die in a large fondue cauldron next time we meet up) who would want you to change anything, apart from maybe adding more alpacas to the herd out front.
seriously, were those mini alpacas or maybe just baby alpacas? if so, where are their parents?
what plaf said. the volume bit is really good, is actually just a positive side effect.
Whoa, alpacas!
Dear D-Force and Outline organisers,
You deserve only praise for your work during the Outline party which was a pleasure to attend.
I feel sorry because your criticisms are right, about people only going to you for fixing problems, complaining, etc... i personnaly went as far as giving you a 3.5DD floppy so that our demo could be launched on real Atari STe. Which you did...
Of course i've thanked you at that time, but if i had known your feelings i would have been more carefull.
(Personnal note for next year: think about offering a booze to every organiser and a fanta to Havoc!)
Again, MANY, MANY THANKS for organising this party!
You deserve only praise for your work during the Outline party which was a pleasure to attend.
I feel sorry because your criticisms are right, about people only going to you for fixing problems, complaining, etc... i personnaly went as far as giving you a 3.5DD floppy so that our demo could be launched on real Atari STe. Which you did...
Of course i've thanked you at that time, but if i had known your feelings i would have been more carefull.
(Personnal note for next year: think about offering a booze to every organiser and a fanta to Havoc!)
Again, MANY, MANY THANKS for organising this party!
I want to give a standing ovation for all the work D-Force put into
Outline all those years. It is save to say that without his effort, knowledge and behind the scenes work a lot of visitors wouldn't have had the partyvibe that made Outline such a success over the years. It is unfortuante the ending leaves such a sour after taste for you. Still I want to say thank you for the awesome support +/- 10 years, wow! Time to move on, and enjoy Outline the way you want for a change. Well deserved, to say the least.
Oh and I hereby promise to spend less time at the party finishing releases and focus more on helping! I'll gladly volunteer for the infoteam to take the heat of the compoteam. Should have done that last edition as well but I was finishing '23'. Will get this fixed next year and I'm looking forward to try and help to implement all positive suggestions people have been giving here. Keep that feedback coming!
Outline all those years. It is save to say that without his effort, knowledge and behind the scenes work a lot of visitors wouldn't have had the partyvibe that made Outline such a success over the years. It is unfortuante the ending leaves such a sour after taste for you. Still I want to say thank you for the awesome support +/- 10 years, wow! Time to move on, and enjoy Outline the way you want for a change. Well deserved, to say the least.
Oh and I hereby promise to spend less time at the party finishing releases and focus more on helping! I'll gladly volunteer for the infoteam to take the heat of the compoteam. Should have done that last edition as well but I was finishing '23'. Will get this fixed next year and I'm looking forward to try and help to implement all positive suggestions people have been giving here. Keep that feedback coming!
Dwarf, well shit.. I slept for in total something like 16 hours from tuesday to sunday.
Certainly made up for that at home though.
Certainly made up for that at home though.