Happy birthday, Hugi!
category: general [glöplog]
Dear all:
On May 25th, 2011, the Hugi Magazine celebrates its 15th anniversary. On May 25th, 1996, the first issue of Hugi (or Hugendubelexpress, as it was called back then) was released.
Five years ago, I wrote an article summarizing the first ten years of Hugi's development. You can find that article here:
Since then, five issues have been released (Hugi 32 - 36), as well as a remix edition (online) and a special edition with a collection of interviews. This newest generation of Hugi differs from the previous ones mainly in technical aspects - the resolution has been changed from 640x480 to 1024x768, making text more legible and smooth, and MP3 music has been introduced with issue 33. Both of these changes have made the packed file size of each Hugi issue much larger, but due to fast Internet connections being widespread these days, most of our readers have tolerated this. For the others there are online editions; these cannot replace the offline editions, as they lack music and atmosphere, but they are cool enough nonetheless.
Content-wise, these five issues are special because of the commitment of one man: Magic of Nah-kolor and Hugi Staff. Already having been a member of our team for a long time, he started getting really active in 2006 and has since contributed very, very much to Hugi, from organizing graphics/music/codefixes to giving birth to ideas for articles to writing articles and making interviews himself. I am very grateful to you for your activitiy and helpful hands, Magic, and hope that you will continute contributing to Hugi for several issues more to come!
Finally, I'd like to thank everybody else again who has supported Hugi since 2006: 2Tall, 4-Mat, Adrian Boeing, Akira, Alena Lazareva, Al Lowe, Analogue, Anthony Gargasz, aquafresh, Audiomonster, Axel, Azzaro, Bacter, Biter, Bjorn Lynne, Blackpawn, Bobic, Boreal, Borys, BoyC, Bridgeclaw, Browallia, Buzzer, Chris Dragan, Chromag, Ciaran, CiH, CoaXCable, Crest, Critikill, Crown, Curt Cool, Dafunk, David Hoghton-Carter, DaZZaBoY, dentoe, DiamonDie, doh, Duckers, Dzordan, Emily Poquette, EP, Exoticorn, Fabian, Fable Fox, Fairfax, Fashion, Fjrb, Fuguru Hakku, Gargaj, Ghandy, giZMo, Gopher, Got, Greg Porter, grim fandango, H2o, Havoc, Heulanith, Icebreaker, iliks, iq, Jason Scott, Jazzcat, JCO, Jezeus, Jogeir Liljedahl, JosSs, Jörg Winterstein, Kaomaster, kas1e, KeyJ, Lazarus, lesnik, Lex, Lft, Maali, Macx, MadMax, Magnar, Mantra, Manwe, Maq, Marnix Kok, Marq, Martin Masek, Melwyn, Mice, Michael Putz, Micksam7, Mitchell, Moby, Muffler, Mycyr, Nap, Navis, Netpoet, Nevidimka, Nightbeat, Noogman, noouch, NuKe, Okkie, Optimus, Owen Benson, Ozzy, paniq, Pantaloon, Patrick Codensys, Peter Urban, Phoenix, Polaris, pOWL, Preston, ps, Ra, rand0m, Regicide, Rieha, Rogue, Romeo Knight, Rork, Rumrunner, SacRat, Selectanovel, Seven, Siatek, Silkut, Sir, Skrebbel, slash, Slash_ATD, Sobec, Sol, Syphus, s7ing, S_tec, TAD, Tascha, The Heavyweight, Thygrion, Timothy Franklin, Tomcat, Traymuss, Tristan, Trixter, T$, ultra, Unlock, Voyager, Wade, Wie8, Xeron, ximple, xTr1m, Yero, Ziona.
Phew, I hope I didn't forget anyone! If I did, please complain.
For Hugi 37, thanks to T$ the bugs appearing in newer versions of Windows (ugly mouse cursor and stuff) have been fixed, so Windows Vista and Windows 7 users will be able to enjoy the next issue even more than the past ones. We are still looking for articles to fill the ranks of the magazine, some material has already come in, but more is needed. Drop me an email if you're interested in writing something.
Also, for graphics and music contributions contact me as well!
Hoping to be able to present you new Hugi issues for several more years,
On May 25th, 2011, the Hugi Magazine celebrates its 15th anniversary. On May 25th, 1996, the first issue of Hugi (or Hugendubelexpress, as it was called back then) was released.
Five years ago, I wrote an article summarizing the first ten years of Hugi's development. You can find that article here:
Since then, five issues have been released (Hugi 32 - 36), as well as a remix edition (online) and a special edition with a collection of interviews. This newest generation of Hugi differs from the previous ones mainly in technical aspects - the resolution has been changed from 640x480 to 1024x768, making text more legible and smooth, and MP3 music has been introduced with issue 33. Both of these changes have made the packed file size of each Hugi issue much larger, but due to fast Internet connections being widespread these days, most of our readers have tolerated this. For the others there are online editions; these cannot replace the offline editions, as they lack music and atmosphere, but they are cool enough nonetheless.
Content-wise, these five issues are special because of the commitment of one man: Magic of Nah-kolor and Hugi Staff. Already having been a member of our team for a long time, he started getting really active in 2006 and has since contributed very, very much to Hugi, from organizing graphics/music/codefixes to giving birth to ideas for articles to writing articles and making interviews himself. I am very grateful to you for your activitiy and helpful hands, Magic, and hope that you will continute contributing to Hugi for several issues more to come!
Finally, I'd like to thank everybody else again who has supported Hugi since 2006: 2Tall, 4-Mat, Adrian Boeing, Akira, Alena Lazareva, Al Lowe, Analogue, Anthony Gargasz, aquafresh, Audiomonster, Axel, Azzaro, Bacter, Biter, Bjorn Lynne, Blackpawn, Bobic, Boreal, Borys, BoyC, Bridgeclaw, Browallia, Buzzer, Chris Dragan, Chromag, Ciaran, CiH, CoaXCable, Crest, Critikill, Crown, Curt Cool, Dafunk, David Hoghton-Carter, DaZZaBoY, dentoe, DiamonDie, doh, Duckers, Dzordan, Emily Poquette, EP, Exoticorn, Fabian, Fable Fox, Fairfax, Fashion, Fjrb, Fuguru Hakku, Gargaj, Ghandy, giZMo, Gopher, Got, Greg Porter, grim fandango, H2o, Havoc, Heulanith, Icebreaker, iliks, iq, Jason Scott, Jazzcat, JCO, Jezeus, Jogeir Liljedahl, JosSs, Jörg Winterstein, Kaomaster, kas1e, KeyJ, Lazarus, lesnik, Lex, Lft, Maali, Macx, MadMax, Magnar, Mantra, Manwe, Maq, Marnix Kok, Marq, Martin Masek, Melwyn, Mice, Michael Putz, Micksam7, Mitchell, Moby, Muffler, Mycyr, Nap, Navis, Netpoet, Nevidimka, Nightbeat, Noogman, noouch, NuKe, Okkie, Optimus, Owen Benson, Ozzy, paniq, Pantaloon, Patrick Codensys, Peter Urban, Phoenix, Polaris, pOWL, Preston, ps, Ra, rand0m, Regicide, Rieha, Rogue, Romeo Knight, Rork, Rumrunner, SacRat, Selectanovel, Seven, Siatek, Silkut, Sir, Skrebbel, slash, Slash_ATD, Sobec, Sol, Syphus, s7ing, S_tec, TAD, Tascha, The Heavyweight, Thygrion, Timothy Franklin, Tomcat, Traymuss, Tristan, Trixter, T$, ultra, Unlock, Voyager, Wade, Wie8, Xeron, ximple, xTr1m, Yero, Ziona.
Phew, I hope I didn't forget anyone! If I did, please complain.
For Hugi 37, thanks to T$ the bugs appearing in newer versions of Windows (ugly mouse cursor and stuff) have been fixed, so Windows Vista and Windows 7 users will be able to enjoy the next issue even more than the past ones. We are still looking for articles to fill the ranks of the magazine, some material has already come in, but more is needed. Drop me an email if you're interested in writing something.
Also, for graphics and music contributions contact me as well!
Hoping to be able to present you new Hugi issues for several more years,


I thought it might be a bit too much.
But then I remembered where I was...
But then I remembered where I was...
Adok: you forgot to thank Unseen
you forgot citizen kane
When's the next ZINE coming out?
I believe they follow the more well-established practice of "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say it".
HO HO HO HOOO!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!
i resend gloom's message!
Wade: Fantastic youtube video! made my day! ;)
by the way if you havent comment our latest issue please do it here
or visit the facebook page:
Send in your support.. participate dont spectate. demoscene rulez...
by the way if you havent comment our latest issue please do it here
or visit the facebook page:
Send in your support.. participate dont spectate. demoscene rulez...
Thank you all for your applause! And the video is cool :)