Articles for Hugi 29
category: general [glöplog]
Hi there!
It's a quick reminder that if you have unfinished articles for Hugi 29 which you would like to finish in time, or if you want to write new articles from scratch and would like to have them included in the upcoming issue, then it's time to do so.
Now it's getting serious.
Submit your articles by emailing me.
It's a quick reminder that if you have unfinished articles for Hugi 29 which you would like to finish in time, or if you want to write new articles from scratch and would like to have them included in the upcoming issue, then it's time to do so.
Now it's getting serious.
Submit your articles by emailing me.
plek has an article about HYPNOGLOW
Great! Then please tell him to submit it.
When is the exact deadline? I've got a long article on demo design that needs a bit more polishing, but I can't do it now because I need to finish our demo. Is during Assembly enough?
My article is too damn good for Hugi.
i've written an article explaining in detail how fuck torment mix 2004's effect is done, but i fear that it's a bit short.
Mind if I take a few days to grow it to 5 lines ?
Mind if I take a few days to grow it to 5 lines ?
Actually that is a very complex effect, spanning almost 1600 lines of code, excluding trivial stuff.
(And that's a fact!)
(And that's a fact!)
// hypnoglow
There's nothing like an exact deadline. Simply send the article over to me. If I get it before Hugi 29 has been released, then it will be included in the issue. Otherwise it will be saved for the next one.
As you've already published your article on hypnoglow at your homepage, it's not interesting for Hugi any more, anyway. We prefer articles exclusively written for Hugi. However, you're free to write another article (or several ones) for Hugi!
There's nothing like an exact deadline. Simply send the article over to me. If I get it before Hugi 29 has been released, then it will be included in the issue. Otherwise it will be saved for the next one.
As you've already published your article on hypnoglow at your homepage, it's not interesting for Hugi any more, anyway. We prefer articles exclusively written for Hugi. However, you're free to write another article (or several ones) for Hugi!
I have articles that can beat your articles
...and a book that can beat your own writing pace.......
I wonder who would want to write articles for a mag which only appears once or twice a year?
It's too long time waiting, too little people have the nerve to do so. Just to discover that, for example, the mag was delayed again, or the article doesn't pass the preselection, or whatever. After a few months of waiting.
No, if i wrote anything of value, i'd want to publish it somewhere with exposure but *fast*.
It's too long time waiting, too little people have the nerve to do so. Just to discover that, for example, the mag was delayed again, or the article doesn't pass the preselection, or whatever. After a few months of waiting.
No, if i wrote anything of value, i'd want to publish it somewhere with exposure but *fast*.
I can submit a news (for adok)!
As you've already published your article on hypnoglow at your homepage, it's not interesting for Hugi any more, anyway. We prefer articles exclusively written for Hugi. However, you're free to write another article (or several ones) for Hugi!
I think that arrogance goes way beyond that what Hugi is these days. Really, you fool, even if I hadn't published it, the last place where I'd want to see that "article" is published and well in Hugi.
That's why we're currently discussing the idea of making Hugi an online magazine with regular updates once every 2-3 days. Then you can submit articles any time and get them published fast. You'll also be likely to get feedback on your articles as we want to install a discussion board for each article.
By the way, you write: "It's too long time waiting, too little people have the nerve to do so. Just to discover that, for example, the mag was delayed again, or the article doesn't pass the preselection, or whatever. After a few months of waiting."
Whenever you submit an article to Hugi, you'll almost immediately get a reply from me whether it will be used in the next issue. If you don't get a reply within a week's time, then you can be sure that I didn't receive your mail.
That's why we're currently discussing the idea of making Hugi an online magazine with regular updates once every 2-3 days. Then you can submit articles any time and get them published fast. You'll also be likely to get feedback on your articles as we want to install a discussion board for each article.
By the way, you write: "It's too long time waiting, too little people have the nerve to do so. Just to discover that, for example, the mag was delayed again, or the article doesn't pass the preselection, or whatever. After a few months of waiting."
Whenever you submit an article to Hugi, you'll almost immediately get a reply from me whether it will be used in the next issue. If you don't get a reply within a week's time, then you can be sure that I didn't receive your mail.
I disagree with making Hugi an online magazine. There are hundreds online mags, about everything you may think. But i can't think many diskmags.
Yes, there is the disadvantage of having to wait, but once the diskmag is out, remains out. It doesn't have to fear disappearing web servers, crashy hard disks, etc. Once a diskmag is out, someone always will have a copy. Once a webpage is published, nobody can tell if that webpage will be there next year.
Diskmags are not only for news. Diskmags are just for those few writers who want their articles to be published and see their writing to remain in demoscene history as long as at least a single person has a copy of the issue. Diskmags are for those who like to read articles from the past to see how the scene was back then and how has been evolved today. Diskmags are not for news.
I see Hugi and Pain as two shining stars in demoscene and each one has to show something fresh each time, either this is called "design" or "content". Some months ago, Hugi did something valuable for coders; a special edition issue with all coding tutorials, assembling a very good reference library for educational and historical usages.
Don't kill everything that Hugi resembles by being a diskmag by converting it to a dull, yet-another, online magazine. The web is full of them.
Yes, there is the disadvantage of having to wait, but once the diskmag is out, remains out. It doesn't have to fear disappearing web servers, crashy hard disks, etc. Once a diskmag is out, someone always will have a copy. Once a webpage is published, nobody can tell if that webpage will be there next year.
Diskmags are not only for news. Diskmags are just for those few writers who want their articles to be published and see their writing to remain in demoscene history as long as at least a single person has a copy of the issue. Diskmags are for those who like to read articles from the past to see how the scene was back then and how has been evolved today. Diskmags are not for news.
I see Hugi and Pain as two shining stars in demoscene and each one has to show something fresh each time, either this is called "design" or "content". Some months ago, Hugi did something valuable for coders; a special edition issue with all coding tutorials, assembling a very good reference library for educational and historical usages.
Don't kill everything that Hugi resembles by being a diskmag by converting it to a dull, yet-another, online magazine. The web is full of them.
whatever hugi will be online or exe doesnt change the fact that hugi is extremely dull contentwise anyway, and always was. seeing it as "shining star of the diskmag scene" is ridiculous and only is explainable with the death of the whole genre.
badsector, mentioning pain and hugi in one sentence makes me question your sanity. =)
Hugi was okish till TAD left them. Then it got filled up with crappy poetry and HTML for dummies articles, that a) has _nothing_ to do with the demoscene and b) are so goddamn uninteresting that _nobody_ reads it.
Plus, I also have to say that Adok's 'mentality' is slightly arrogant and thus does not contribute to the popularity of Hugi as well.
PAiN > Hugi! Do _not_ compare the two ;P
Plus, I also have to say that Adok's 'mentality' is slightly arrogant and thus does not contribute to the popularity of Hugi as well.
PAiN > Hugi! Do _not_ compare the two ;P
BadSector... Word :-)
Actually I enjoy people calling me arrogant these days because if you call somebody arrogant, you admit that he is superior. (See my article on that very matter in Hugi 25.)
I remember how arrogantly people treated me when I was beginning to get into the scene, but this quickly changed once I had showed off my abilities.
I remember how arrogantly people treated me when I was beginning to get into the scene, but this quickly changed once I had showed off my abilities.
BTW, have you received my mail yet?
(No, this isn't off-topic at all, since it's about an article for Hugi. ;))
BTW, have you received my mail yet?
(No, this isn't off-topic at all, since it's about an article for Hugi. ;))
Actually I enjoy people calling me arrogant these days because if you call somebody arrogant, you admit that he is superior. (See my article on that very matter in Hugi 25.)
lol dude you have some serious problems.
I need a tutorial on making goode DCS. make me one you adok you!